Yes – but not the CD portion! Streaming Integrated Amp If you want a great streaming integrated amp, I’ll happily say YES to a one box solution because I love the Atolls. They’re made in France, not China. They have a 3 year warranty and run their own very friendly app. We’ve sold a few already and the feedback is quite positive….
- Atohm GT-3
- Atohm GT-2
- Atohm GT-1
- Atoll Power Amps
- Atoll IN400 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN300 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN200 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN100 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN80 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN50 Integrated Amp
- Atoll PR300 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll PR200 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll SDA300 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll SDA200 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll CD Players
- Atoll CD200 CD Player
- Atoll CD100 CD Player
- Atoll CD80 CD Player
- Atoll CD50 CD Player
- Atoll MD100 CD Player
- Atoll Power Amps For Theater
- Atoll PH100 Phono Preamp
- Axiom M-60
- Axiom M-50
- Axiom M5
- Axiom M3
- Axiom M2
- Black Velvet Interconnects
- Bluesound Node 2024
- Bryston BR-20 Preamp/DAC
- Bryston BP19 Analog Preamp
- Bryston BCD-3, CD Player $4500
- Bryston 4B-SST3
- Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp
- Bryston Model T-10 Speaker
- Bryston Model Trim T-10
- Bryston Model T
- Bryston Middle T
- Bryston Mini T
- Bryston A1
- Bryston A2
- Bryston A3
- Bryston Tiny A
- Bryston Mini A
- Grado RS 1x Headphones
- Hegel V10 Phono Preamp
- Isotek Elektra V5 Mains Conditioner
- Isotek Corvus V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Polaris V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Premier Power Cable
- Isotek Initium Power Cable
- JL Audio Fathom F112v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio Fathom F110v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio E-112
- JL Audio D-110 Subwoofers
- JL Audio E-110 Subwoofers
- Kimber Kable Carbon Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable 8 Pair Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable Carbon Interconnect
- Kimber Kable Tonik Interconnects
- Kimber Kable Hero Interconnects
- Klipsch LaScala AL5 Speakers
- Klipsch Cornwall IV
- Klipsch Forte 4 Speakers
- Klipsch Heresy IV Speakers
- Magnepan MG-20.7
- Magnepan MG 2.7i
- Magnepan MG-1.7i
- Magnepan MG – .7
- Marantz AV7706 Preamp/Processor
- Marantz MM7055 5 Ch Power Amp
- Marantz SACD-30n CD Player
- Marantz Cinema 70s
- MoFi UltraDeck Plus
- MoFi StudioPhono
- MoFi UltraGold MC Phono Cartridge
- MoFi UltraPhono
- Mytek Liberty 2 DAC
- Ortofon MC Quintet Black S
- Ortofon MC Quintet Blue Cartridge
- Ortofon Bronze MM Cartridge
- Ortofon Blue MM Cartridge
- Rega Planar 3 Turntable
- Rega Planar 2 Turntable
- Rega Planar 1 Turntable
- Rogue RP-5 v2 Tube Preamp
- Rogue RP-1 Stereo Preaamp
Audiophile Archives
The Latest, Dave’s Faves, and the AE Newsletter all in one:
Start With Atoll 100s
August 1, 2024
We talk to people every day about building out a new hi-fi system. It’s a treat to share the enthusiasm of our great hobby with people who haven’t been following it for years- but they’re ready to dive back in. The good news is, our hobby is better than ever. It’s better than the “golden age” of the 1970s or whenever you…
July 30, 2024
Bryston BP-19 Stereo Preamp, $5195 ($6195 with MM, $6945 with MM & MC) Bryston has been talking about a new analog preamp for well over a year. Bryston is never fast, but when they ultimately deliver the goods, we’re never disappointed. BP-19 measures up as another superstar Bryston product- with a 20 year warranty. BP-19 is just now shipping to the USA….
Dave’s Faves – Atoll CD100
July 28, 2024
Atoll CD100, $2200 (3.75h, 17.32w. 12D, 16lbs) Made In France! 3 Year Warranty Atoll’s CD-100 is a fabulous CD player that takes CDs closer to the “best possible” compared to just a “cut above” nice players- that virtually all hail from Asia. Musically CD-100 has a smooth, non grainy character to its sound. Vinyl fans who dis CDs have nothing to bark…
Dave’s Faves – Atoll CD Players
July 27, 2024
I’m tremendously excited to introduce you to Atoll’s fabulous line of CD players. Atoll is made in France with a 3 year warranty. While all of its gear is outstanding, I want to pay special attention to my favorite source, the compact disc. It’s my favorite way of listening to music. One of the main reasons I enjoy CDs is that they…
Pan Story
July 27, 2024
In 1975 I bought my first pair of Magnepans, the single panel MG2s for $700. They changed my relationship with the audio hobby. They are to blame for taking me from modest “using” into full blown addiction! My first speakers were Advents. They were good for the price because of respectable driver blending. With Sherwood 7100 receiver, B&O 3000 table and Teac…
Dave’s Faves – Atoll PH100 Phono Preamp
July 26, 2024
Atoll PH100 Phono Preamp $700 (2 1/2h, 12 5/8w, 8d, MM & MC) Atoll of France (3 year warranty) is building an incredible reputation for edge of the art sound at prices we can afford. Atoll actually makes its products in its own house in France! They don’t design them in France and have them built by a job house in China….
The Source
July 26, 2024
There are many ways to source your music these days. My favorite source is still the silver disc. Yep, the CD. Pay no attention to nay sayers who say the format is dead. It not only isn’t dead, it sounds better than ever. I buy CDs regularly. Box sets are invariably TREASURES of music at fair prices. I play entire CDs to…
CD Players 2024
July 25, 2024
I love CDs and the players that play them. What a marvelous format for playing music! Artists typically have a program or musical message they want to deliver. Just hit play and you’re set for 40-80 minutes. You don’t incur any clicks/pops or bobsled noise. It couldn’t be easier. And, playing a CD sounds better than streaming. Yes, it does. As a…
Steve Shops Integrateds
July 24, 2024
Steve is about ready to retire and wanted to update his hi-fi system. He’ll finally have time to enjoy music in his dedicated man cave. A few years ago he bought a Cambridge streamer and integrated amp online. That was feeding his old bookshelf speakers. It was quick and easy. He was OK with it for the price and time. He visited…
Atoll Versus…
July 23, 2024
Let’s compare an Atoll integrated amp vs a few well thought of competitors. What do you ACTUALLY GET for your money? For openers, Atoll is built in France with a 3 year warranty. Atoll was started by brothers Stephane & Emmanual Dubreuil in 1996. There’s a TLC you get from a small family owned company- that you can’t get from mass production…
Should I Fix My Old…
July 22, 2024
We get the call every week. Or more! “I have a Hafler 200 power amp that’s failed. Can you fix it?” You can substitute almost any name in there for Hafler (but not BRYSTON!) If the amp is over about 7 years old, the answer is almost always NO. Why?! First of all, while we’ve all heard the case of the fellow…
View From 30 Thousand Feet
July 21, 2024
I have a few observations about the audio hobby these days. Let’s see what’s going on. Press Every mag we read, features lots of play for pay. We see continual reviews of the same brands who advertise heavily in the rags. The magazine guys will claim they’re above such payola, but PLEASE! Today’s rags are filled with… the same brands getting reviewed….
Best Integrated Amp Value!
July 20, 2024
Atoll IN50 $1200 (50×2) You’re looking for a great integrated amp value. Where do you start? In a word, Atoll. Most people, start the process off on the wrong foot. Rather than thinking about how to get the best SOUND, they think they need to buy the most watts and the most features. If you do this, you’ll end up purchasing a…
Middle Weight Power Amp Champ!
July 19, 2024
Atoll AM100 Power Amp $1600, 100×2 If you are looking for a butt kicking, smooth sounding power amp at reasonable money, look no further than the fabulous AM100 by Atoll. It’s made in France, not China (!) with a 3 year warranty. Atoll has a pair of muscular transformers and filter capacitance of almost 33,000uF. This generous linear power supply supports weighty…
Serious Affordable Separates
July 18, 2024
Separates can offer a MIGHTY audio performance if the space and money are employed judiciously within the gear. Please consider a separate preamp and amp from Atoll of France- a company who puts the space to great use. Have a look inside Atoll. You’ll see chassis filled with great parts- laid out like meticulous art work. The lack of wires running all…
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