The price includes one Initium, which is a high end power cable that connects Polaris to the wall. You can buy additional Initiums for $100 each. They should replace the cheapy black cables that came with your nice hi-fi gear.
Polaris has been on the market now for several years and has earned a reputation for improving sound to a surprising degree. We have had many Doubting Thomases buy Polaris and call to thank us for the recommendation. Nobody believes how much of an upgrade a Polaris can make until they plug it in at home!
It’s always a bit of a challenge to describe in words what Polaris does. But of course we try!
In die hard audio terms, Polaris improves dynamic range, transient attack and tightens bass response. You can’t miss it. Play a Diana Krall or Stacy Kent album with stand up bass, piano, drums and vocal. You’ll hear an improvement in resolution very clearly.
Another anology I can use for those of you who are of a “mature” age is… remember when we had analog TV and some stations had a noticeable percentage of snow in the picture? Polaris does the audio equivalent of eliminating the snow. Everything is more detailed and specific. Shapes are more easily seen. Edges are crisp, not softened.
No matter if your system is modest or extravagant, an Isotek Mains Conditioner is imperative to help you achieve the best level of definition. To NOT have a Polaris (or Aquarius $2000) is to miss the boat. It doesn’t matter if you have mega expensive gear down the line. If you haven’t filtered the debris out of the AC, you’re still “listening through the snow.”
We’re not saying that nobody else can make a decent product. We are saying that we’ve not encountered anyone who can make as distinct an improvement for such a fair price, as Polaris with Initiums. Isotek is based in the UK and the products are manufactured in Europe.
On the topic of power cables, Mr Doubting Thomas says there is no improvement to be garnered. Well, if you just use Initiums into your wall or a $20 Home Depot bar, Thomas is pretty much right. Let’s go back to the analogy of snow in the TV picture. You need a Polaris to reduce the snow to virtually zero. If you haven’t done that, you won’t be able to appreciate the more subtle improvement of an Initium cable.
If you do install a Polaris, the snow/distortion is so minimal that NOW you can hear the improvement of an Initium cable. We recommend that you use Initiums in your vital links: Preamp/Power Amp/Integrated Amp/CD/Table/Streamer. Any/all of these products will benefit from a better power cable. Even if you have a modest system with CD player and integrated amp- changing your black generic cords to Initiums will provide a substantive improvement.