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Audio Emporium

Rogue RP-1 Stereo Tube Preamp

Rogue RP-1 Stereo Tube Preamp $1800 (3.2h, 15.25w, 14.5d, 17 lbs, Black or Silver) Rogue Audio of Pennsylvania has made warm sounding tube electronics since 1996. Founder Mark O’Brien has especially been known for offering affordable gear- to go along with some big guns too. Imagine that- cost effective, fine sounding gear made in the USA. This could be the “secret” to…

Rogue RP-1 Stereo Tube Preamp $1800

Rogue of Pennsylvania makes among the best preamp values on the market. The gorgeous sounding RP-1 is clean, quiet and OPEN sounding with no harsh edges. Many of our customers bought receivers or integrated amps to begin their hi-fi journey. It makes sense. Along the way they KNEW more power would make help, so they added a power amp. Many customers knew…