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Audio Emporium


Rogue Pharaoh Mk2 Integrated Amp $4000 (250×2) Rogue is finally shipping the Mk2 version of its high powered integrated amp, featuring a tube preamp section. P2 has quieter background than its predecessor. It is now compatible with virtually all speakers, whether high SPL or not. P2 uses a pair of 12AU7 tubes in its line stage. P2 has MM and MC phono!…

Rogue Pharoah Mk2 Integrated Amp

It’s good to be king! Rogue Pharoah Integrated Amp, $4000, 250×2 Designed/Built in Pennsylvania. Rogue’s new Pharoah Mk2 integrated amp was not created JUST to be a steal of a deal. But it is! Integrated amps offer the best electronic values in high end audio. Pharoah Mk2 gives you a one box solution for very serious audio performance. By pairing a marvelous…

Rogue DragoN Tube Power Amp

Rogue DragoN Tube Power Amp $4000 (300×2, 5.5h, 18w, 15d, 40 lbs) Enter the DragoN! DragoN (upper case N) is Rogue’s new, 300×2 tube power amp. Owner/designer Mark O’Brien has created cutting edge, innovative wrinkles with his fire breathing, yet tender sounding, edge of the art power amp. The design is dubbed tubeD by Rogue. DragoN combines the best of both worlds-…


Wharfedale Diamond 11.4 Promo $1000 Per Pair, Black Regular Price $1200 Per Pair (39.4h, 8.84w, 12.8d, 54 lbs ea, 91 dB SPL) Wharfedale has just shipped its fanny kicking, affordable tower. With promo price of $1000 per pair, Diamond 11.4 offers more than just thunder. For openers, D 11.4 is a legit 3-way. There are sneaky guys out there who shove three…


Peachtree Integrated Amplifiers & Power Amp Peachtree is back in Da House! Peachtree has made significant upgrades in its products over the years that float my boat- so I’m back on board. First and foremost is, PT offers tons more power than anybody else for a given buck. There are precious few speakers that won’t benefit from more power! The products are…