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Audio Emporium


Magnepan MG 1.7i, $3000 Per Pair Shock of all shocks, Magnepan is catching up with providing us inventory! We actually have MG 1.7i in stock (black cloth/dark cherry wood) for the first time in… 3 years. C19 hit Magnepan as hard as any company. It was almost immediate in March of 2020, that Magnepan’s back orders became extreme. Orders of MG 1.7i,…

Mains Conditioners Have Come Of Age

Manufacturers of mains conditioners have been pushing their products for years. There has been no question that we have needed some level of protection from all the brown outs we get, whether caused by belches from the power companies, or thunder storms. It used to be, after a weekend of storms, we’d get half a dozen calls saying my gear has locked…