JL Audio E-112 Subwoofer, $2500 (16.23h, 15.5w, 18.39d, 74 lbs, 1500w amp, Black Ash) JL Audio’s E-112 should be on the list of every subwoofer shopper. It is a full out, serious product, made in the USA that hits like a middle linebacker. JL is made near Ft. Lauderdale. Almost all similarly priced subs are made in China. Why does that matter?…
JL Audio E-112 Subwoofer: $2500 Piano Black, $2300 Black Ash When You’re Done Putzing Around! I’ve written effusively about JL Audio subwoofers on several sections of our site. I won’t take the time to rehash JL from square one here. What I will do is make an effort to be sure the MIGHTY JL Audio E-112 is not lost in the shuffle….
Dave’s Faves – JL Audio E-112 Subwoofer $2500 (16.23h, 15.5w, 18.39d, 74 lbs, Black Ash) I must admit I’m typically not Mr. Subwoofer. I’m a 2CH guy and getting woofs to dovetail with “wing” speakers is easier said than done for a fussy audiophile. Guilty as charged! I change speakers a lot at home because it’s a gas and I want to…