Exceptional Value awards are presented to components whose sound quality is usually associated with products costing far more. The Bryston 4B3 stereo/mono amplifier has virtually faultless sound and with the added ability to drive just about any speaker with ease. The 4B3 may well be the best value today in a high-end, high-powered, solid-state amplifier.
Happy to report that our Bryston BHA-1 Headphone amplifier has won Best of the Year Award from Secrets of Home Theater Magazine. The Bryston BHA-1 is an impeccably designed and solidly built amplification device for speakers that you just happen to wear on your head. It has a fastidiously clean and neutral sound quality with an abundance of power and connectivity options that will allow almost any headphone to shine on its own merits. If you are in the market for a top-class headphone amplifier and don’t need a built in DAC, you really cannot go wrong with choose the BHA-1. Highly recommend!
A superb review of our new 14B Cubed amplifier in Everything Audio magazine. The ‘STELLAR SOUND AWARD’ is not given lightly. “In our opinion, the new Bryston 14B3 Cube stereo amplifier is most certainly an Everything Audio Network Stellar Sound Award winner and a candidate for AMP OF THE YEAR.”
Bryston, a brand synonymous with delivering high powered, heavy hitting and “tank like” construction Hi-Fi equipment which are all revered in its own right, has also produced the AC-1 Micro which was specifically built to be a center channel to complement the Mini A bookshelf speakers.
I was blown away by its amazing transparency, absolute control, and very smooth, very linear sound. In my system, its sound was nearly flawless — no matter what I listened to. I couldn’t imagine the sound being much better, at least in terms of accurate reproduction.
Bryston, a venerable Canadian electronics manufacturer known for the quality and reliability of its amplifiers and preamplifiers. Stereophile. High Performance Technology. 20 Year Warranty on Analog and Loudspeakers.
Let me tell you I never been a fan of Solid State at all. I owned/tried so many SS amp and gave up few years ago and been only own the tube amplification since. However this 4B3 amp just open up the whole new world to me.