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Audio Emporium


The topic of DACs is always interesting. Whether stand alone, or built into an integrated amp or preamp, DACs have a lot of influence on the sound of your music and TV. To get cut above performance, you can’t beat beefy, linear power supplies. The DAC chip you use is just the start. It’s actually more important to make sure your DAC…


Magnepan MG 1.7i, $3000 Per Pair Shock of all shocks, Magnepan is catching up with providing us inventory! We actually have MG 1.7i in stock (black cloth/dark cherry wood) for the first time in… 3 years. C19 hit Magnepan as hard as any company. It was almost immediate in March of 2020, that Magnepan’s back orders became extreme. Orders of MG 1.7i,…


NAD M33 Integrated Amp $5000 (200×2) NAD’s M33 is perhaps THE BEST BUY in a high end integrated amp for a pile of reasons. $5k is a steal for this magnificent integrated amp/streamer. That’s right, it has an on board MQA streamer! NAD’s M33 is among the first products in the world to use the innovative Eigentakt amplifier circuit design. In short,…


Bluesound Node 2, $500: MQA and CD Streamer     If you have not bought a Node 2 from us yet, you need to stop by – or order one on the phone! 414-354-5082 Bluesound is part of the NAD family. They didn’t ask my opinion but, I would have said, call it NAD Node 2 so everyone will know it’s from…

MQA And Bluesound

Master Quality Authenticated. It is a method of getting music to you in STATE OF THE ART quality. We have it NOW! We have the Bluesound Node 2i ($500) which decodes MQA.This is your “machine.”You subscribe to Tidal for $20 per month. You’re good to go. What Is MQA? MQA is a delivery system for music. Music Origami.The music is streamed FOLDED…