The Bryston BP-19 is a rock solid, audiophile preamp without a “house sound” imparted on your music which is major plus for many audiophiles.
Why Black Velvet? There’s a great wide world of interconnect cables out there. Why do we need one more? We need one more because nobody is doing quite what is being done with the Black Velvet! There are zillions of high end interconnects. But the truth is, after you strip away all of the pseudo science, the vast majority of these cables…
I’ve never heard a pair of speakers as large as Bryston’s new Model T10s in my listening room, and the experience was revelatory. They were so powerful, well controlled, and evenly balanced that I can imagine them as an endgame purchase for many people.”
Just a note to say that the new Bryston T10 series speakers are brilliant. We’ve so far received the Trim T10 and Middle T10 and they are an absolute joy. Driven by our 7B Cubed mono’s … the T10s image with precision, hit the bass notes with the vigor of an iron fist and are very poised on the top end. Also the fit and finish radiates excellence and high value. We’re having lots of fun with these beauties!
You can read the intricacies of Atoll Electronique design to learn how they’re built differently and BETTER, than virtually everything else in their price ranges here. THIS discussion goes straight to the SOUND and how the construction pays off for you. The fact is, there are a lot of good speakers out there. We want the best N America and Europe have…
In my 40 years as an avid audiophile, I have seen about everything there is regarding speaker design. From weirdly shaped enclosures that try to break the laws of physics that govern the rest of the speaker-designing community to simple one-driver designs that take on the full range of musical frequencies with one driver. All speaker designers take different approaches to yield…
Is this a demo room or what…?! Here we have our Norway Distributers Bryston demo system! On demo are the Bryston Model T10 Main speakers with the Model TS10 Sub Towers using the Bryston BAX-1 Electronic crossover, BR-20 Preamp and multiple Bryston amplifiers. The smaller speakers adjacent to the large speakers are the new Bryston Tiny T10’s…