If you want great TV sound, do not buy a sound bar. Your doorbell likely has better speakers with stronger magnets. Let’s do it right. You don’t even have to do surround sound. Stereo works magnificently. Start with Amphion speakers. They’re magnificently articulate without being the least bit harsh or grating. In short, Amphion pays attention to all the minute details of…
Amphion Helium 520 Towers $3200 Per Pair White or Black ($3500 in Walnut) (42 1/4h, 6 1/4w, 8 1/2d, 90 dB SPL, 35 lbs) Amphion has introduced a remarkably clean, stylish, super skinny tower. It is barely over 6” wide! Helium 520 is first and foremost, a delightful open/airy sounding speaker. It creates a broad and deep soundstage. While its bass isn’t…
Amphion Argon 3LS Tower Speakers: $3500 (White or Black, $4300 Walnut) (38 1/8h, 7 5/8w, 12d, 8 ohms, 50 lbs, 85 dB SPL) Suppose you would like a beautiful sounding diminutive tower. That… would be the Amphion Argon 3LS. It is made in Finland in Amphion’s factory. It isn’t a generic badged effort from Asia. If you’re after a very serious loudspeaker…