To Sub, Or Not To Sub, That… is the question! Do you need a subwoofer for a STEREO system? You Do There are precious few towers that go nearly as deep as a JL Audio subwoofer. If you go to the bottom of our home page and click on the yellow tab that says JL Audio Double Barrels, you can see the…
Amphion Argon 3LS Tower Speakers: $3500 (White or Black, $4300 Walnut) (38 1/8h, 7 5/8w, 12d, 8 ohms, 50 lbs, 85 dB SPL) Suppose you would like a beautiful sounding diminutive tower. That… would be the Amphion Argon 3LS. It is made in Finland in Amphion’s factory. It isn’t a generic badged effort from Asia. If you’re after a very serious loudspeaker…