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Steve Loves Bryston 4B Cubed!

“Hi Gents, Well, I have to tell you that I hooked up my 4B3 last night and expected to listen for a half hour or so. Not at all what happened! After playing the very first track on my Middle Ts which I’ve had for some time now. I was nothing short of mesmerized. To say that the amp transformed my system would be an understatement.

EVERYTHING was so much better that I was doing that age old thing of listening not only to current favs, but pulling out old stuff I hadn’t listened to in years and being amazed and enthralled with how fabulous everything sounded. It was jaw dropping!

Don’t get me wrong, I know how good our products are, but it was the first time I’ve had a first hand experience with a Cubed amp. After listening for over 3 hours and having an experience that was so moving in it’s intimacy with the music, I finally had to pull my self away. My Middle T’s were virtually unrecognizable as they had improved so much, it was like I had a new pair of speakers that was at least ten times better (and expensive)! By the way the 4B Cubed replaced a Krell amp that was no slouch IMO. I could go on and on with all of the audiophile superlative adjectives and descriptions, but you already know all that!

Thanks again, for enabling me to have an experience with my system that I haven’t had with anything else in so many years. – Steve – Lab Acoustic Marketing