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Should I Bi-amp?

Bi-amping is running two amps into one loudspeaker. Does it make sense to consider this?

Bryston Bi Amp

Bryston speakers, among many, are set up to allow bi-amping. The top set of binding posts connects to the mid/tweets. The lower set goes to the woofs. There are jumpers connecting the top/bottom posts so you can run a stereo amp straight in and call it a day. If you bi-amp, you must remove the jumpers before connecting the additional amp.

A fine stereo amp does a quite credible job at this task. But let’s analyze this a bit more.

Back EMF

When your speaker’s drivers move back/forth, they throw a back wave at your amp. Think of this situation as a pipe carrying water from the amp to the speakers. As the speaker moves forward it accepts more water. As it moves backwards, it shoves water in a back wave towards the amplifier. In a perfect world we would like the best grip on that water path between your amp and speakers, in both directions.

The back flow of the entire array of drivers is different and less specific, than if an amp saw only the woofers, for example.

If you could dedicate one amp for the woofs, and another for the mids/tweets, you’ll have not only more tower due to having two stereo amps (4 channels) but you’ll derive a better GRIP because each amp has a more specific handshake on certain frequencies. Better control equals cleaner, tighter sound.


Is it practical to run two stereo amps for this configuration? You would need two amplifiers of the same input sensitivity. Or, you would need at least one of the amplifiers to have input level controls. Further, the quality of these two amps would have to be better than one terrific sounding power amp for this project to make any sense.

Bryston Power Amps

One way to make this a very successful outcome is to run two Bryston power amps. They have the same sensitivity. You start by running a 4B Cubed ($7500, 300×2) full range. When you have some more money in your piggy bank, you could buy a 2.5B Cubed ($5000, 135×2) to run the mids/tweets. This combo is a FABULOUS solution and highly recommended.

Buttt, what we USUALLY see is, a customer starts with a garden variety Chinese built amp with no particular strengths beyond a cheap price with lots of watts. Adding another similar amp with perhaps a few less watts- and kludging it all together to try to blend- is sure to be a waste of time and money. You would have been better off to bag the first Chinese built amp and start over. But the world has changed…we have a perspicacious alternative now.

A New Solution!

The Bryston solution above is awesome. You’re all in for $12,500. What if you don’t have 12 plus large to dedicate to this project?

Bryston and Axiom have merged to become one entity, simply called Bryston. Bryston makes the fabulous amps I’ve described above you’ve known for years. Bryston knows that not everyone can afford Bryston amps. Bryston has not forsaken the rest of us. They are bringing to market a new series of amplifiers under the Axiom banner. Axiom amps are also made in Canada and have a five year warranty.

Axiom Power Amps

These Axiom amps are also quite lust worthy. Among the shrewd choices made within the Axiom amps is that you can buy them in multi-channel versions. Now THAT…is a game changer!

Of course you can buy a 5 or 7ch version for home theater usage. But of uber excitement for us music lovers is, you can also buy a FOUR CHANNEL VERSION for bi-amping. NOW we’re talking!

The benefit of getting 4 great channels on one chassis is that you’re only paying for one chassis. This makes bi-amping smart and logical, instead of a miss match of mediocrity.

As you check out the models below, please note that the 4 ch version isn’t THAT much more expensive than the stereo version. Your heart should be beating a little faster as you’re reading this. For not a whole lot more money than a chip laden stereo amp made in China with a 2 year warranty, you can buy an Axiom solution in a stereo or 4 channel configuration, made in Canada with a 5 year warranty.

Axiom amps sound smoother and have greater headroom than what comes from the other side of the planet. Since these new 4ch amps are now shipping, bi-amping Bryston speakers in particular, is very much plausible and recommended to improve the sound of your speakers!

Axiom Amplifier Models

Axiom Amplifier Models


125×2 into 8 ohms, 250×2 into 4 ohms

ADA1000/2:Two Channel Version $1390

ADA1000/4: Four Channel Version $1650


225×2 into 8 ohms, 450×2 into 4 ohms

ADA1250/2: Two Channel Version $2390

ADA1250/4: Four Channel Version $2840


325×2 into 8 ohms, 650×2 into 4 ohms

ADA1500/2: Two Channel Version $2990

ADA1500/4: Four Channel Version $3530