414-354-5082  [email protected]

Serious Affordable Separates

Separates can offer a MIGHTY audio performance if the space and money are employed judiciously within the gear. Please consider a separate preamp and amp from Atoll of France- a company who puts the space to great use.

Have a look inside Atoll. You’ll see chassis filled with great parts- laid out like meticulous art work. The lack of wires running all over shows clever, industrious design. This leads to clear, open and dynamic music with high testosterone in the bass. When you look inside gear and see tiny Tinker Toys and dental floss, there’s no way you’re getting power and majesty out of your hi-fi.

Odds are if you’re an old separates guy, your amp is screaming to be replaced. The old Chinese built Rotels, Adcoms and Parasounds are on borrowed time. You might get a little more life out of the preamps. But please treat yourself to a new power amp AT LEAST. You won’t believe what you’ve been missing- regardless of what speakers you own.

Atoll PR200 Preamp $1600

Atoll PR200 Preamp
Atoll PR200 Preamp

Atoll AM100 Power Amp, $1600 (100×2)

Atoll AM100 Power Amp
Atoll AM100 Power Amp
Atoll AM100 inside

I wanted to see if the new Atolls could drive some speakers with great impact- like Brystons, to the kind of levels our demanding customers would like. I pulled out some classic rock CDs by Steely Dan, Dire Straits and Pink Floyd. When you run music from this era, recorded in the 70s, you don’t expect a HEAVY bottom end. We just didn’t have nearly the technology then- that we have today. While it does take a little more dial rotation to get there, I’ve never heard those classics better. Hey 19, Romeo & Juliet, and of course Money all breathed new life with Atoll’s PR200 preamp and AM100 power amp- through Bryston A2s.

I’ll go so far as to tell you that if you’re running any power amp from the 80s or before, the best thing you can do for your system is to replace it with an Atoll power amp. One such example is of a fellow giving feedback on how his Advents sound brand new with Atoll. Well, the Advents need to be replaced now too, 50 years later! But it speaks to Atoll’s primacy that they brought new life to the Advents.

Atoll PR300 Preamp $3100

Atoll PR300
Atoll PR300 inside

Atoll AM200 Power Amp $2300 (120×2)

Atoll AM200 Power Amp
Atoll AM200
Atoll AM200 Power Amp
Atoll AM200 inside

Atoll AM300 Power Amp $3900 (150×2)

Atoll AM300 Power Amp
Atoll AM300
Atoll AM300 Power Amp
Atoll AM300 inside

When it comes to Atoll, pay no attention to the power ratings. Any of the amps, even AM100, will sound DOUBLE the rating of virtually anyone else short of Bryston or Mac. When it comes to Atoll, just look and the luscious hardware and exquisite build quality INSIDE the box.

This higher level of separates is still amazingly affordable and will drive Brystons, Ks, Pans and Atohms like you won’t believe. When you hear these combos, they’ll outperform bridged amps from the Chinese. Atoll throws barbells around your room- if it’s on the recording.

Think of a power amp like a steak- and the a preamp as the seasoning on the steak. Both are important. But the power amp is more important. A masterful combo, like any of the above, will give your speakers new verve!