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Rogue RP-1 Stereo Tube Preamp $1800

Rogue RP-1 Stereo Tube Preamp

Rogue of Pennsylvania makes among the best preamp values on the market. The gorgeous sounding RP-1 is clean, quiet and OPEN sounding with no harsh edges.

Many of our customers bought receivers or integrated amps to begin their hi-fi journey. It makes sense. Along the way they KNEW more power would make help, so they added a power amp. Many customers knew to upgrade their horse power. That indeed, was worth the money.

The next step in bringing your music to life is to get a real PREAMP. The preamp section of your receiver or integrated amp, is likely a pile of CHIPS from China. You have the fresh air of the Alps to look forward to if you get an RP-1 to do this task instead of the cost effective measure you started with.

Take a look at what’s in the RP-1. Contrast that with a respectable Rotel, that sells for $900 made in China.

Rogue RP-1 Stereo Tube Preamp
Rotel inside
Rogue RP-1 Stereo Tube Preamp
Rogue RP-1 inside

RP-1’s transformer is over twice as big. The filter caps are about 4x as big. There is a far higher level of componentry doing the work. An oh yeah, there’s a pair of matched 12AU7 tubes to give your music more space and 3D depth perspective.

Preamps like the Rotel are OK. They’re likely significantly better than what’s in your receiver or integrated amp. When you cram a pile of parts and chips into a tight space, RFI and noise will infiltrate and mask your music.

Rogue’s RP-1 takes you even further than a legit Chinese built preamp, much less using a receiver or integrated.

RP-1 is SO GOOD that we have customers buying it with top flight power amps like Rogue’s own Dragon. You might not think an $1800 preamp is an appropriate match for a $4k power amp. With RP-1, it definitely IS.

In addition to sounding marvelous, RP-1 has an outstanding MM/MC phono preamp and a headphone amp that will wake up your headphones as a gutsy amp like the Dragon, will wake up your speakers.

And please don’t forget that all Rogues are red, white & blue. When you buy Rogue, you’re supporting an American owner/operator company. You’re not buying products built by a job house on the other side of the world. Those job houses build widgets to order. One day they’re doing stereo electronics for a myriad of names, the next they’re doing PC boards for alarm panels or other appliances.

Rogue offers TLC and support you can’t get from over there.