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Rogue DragoN Tube Power Amp

Rogue DragoN Tube Power Amp $4000

(300×2, 5.5h, 18w, 15d, 40 lbs)

Rogue DragoN Tube Power Amp

Enter the DragoN!

DragoN (upper case N) is Rogue’s new, 300×2 tube power amp. Owner/designer Mark O’Brien has created cutting edge, innovative wrinkles with his fire breathing, yet tender sounding, edge of the art power amp. The design is dubbed tubeD by Rogue.

DragoN combines the best of both worlds- tube and solid state technology. Mark starts with his unique implementation of 300w Ncore solid state, MOSFET outputs. These are run with non switching analog supplies. He employs a pair of 12AU7 tubes to sweeten the sound.

These tubes are not just a circuit that’s introduced before the amp stage. Rogue’s patented tubeD circuit topology actually integrates the tube section into the amplifier, yielding the smooth sound you would want from tubes. It does so without massive heat, weight, limited power, output transformers and poor reliability that is endemic with tube amps.

DragoN actually uses three massive linear power supplies. DragoN supports XLR and RCA inputs. It has standby circuitry for its solid state components. It has a slow start circuit for extended tube life. You get the beauty of a great tube amp and the power and cool operation of the best solid state amps!

Which preamp should you run with DragoN? Any, actually. But why not have some FUN and mate the DragoN with Rogue’s own RP-5 ($3500)?! RP-5 is known for its silky smooth sound and scintillating phono section (MM&MC). RP-5 runs a pair of 12 AU7s and has four RCA line level inputs, a HT pass through loop, and two VARIABLE pre outs. RP-5 is the ideal companion for the flamingly impressive DragoN power amp!

Rogue DragoN Tube Power Amp