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JL Audio Double Barrels Bring It!

JL Audio Subwoofers are built in Florida. They are absolutely, positively better than your average bear out of the far east. JL Audio performance and value are legendary in our audio world.

The drivers are conservatively 2-3 times bigger and stronger than similarly priced competitors. Their mounting system creates unparalleled rigidity. Their amplifiers have substantial headroom to give you a swift, prodigious kick. The cabinets are sealed for tight, rather than boomy bass. And yep, they’re made in Florida.

But you knew all that. You can read the details at the tab at the bottom of our home page

labeled JL Audio Double Barrels.

What I want to talk about here, is that we at Audio Emporium are willing to prove what we claim. That is, that one JL sub is terrific, and two are… stunningly impressive!

Bigger Towers Or Use A Sub Or Two?

That is the question.

Is it smarter to buy larger towers for your budget, or perhaps go with smaller main speakers and run them with a subwoofer or two? It’s your choice. We have the tools to help you decide. You might be surprised how often it makes sense to consider the sub route to start with.

You can talk to any number of salespeople on the phone.

You can read any number of forum writers that propose to be experts.

Their opinions will run on forever.

But ya know what? I’m willing to BET YOU they have NEVER HEARD the comparison that we can do for you right here at Audio Emporium. Right now.

Yep, we can run a wide array of main speakers with one sub, or two. And we can do this with multiple JL sub models!

We are set up to do this quickly, so you can hear FOR SURE, EXACTLY (!) what one sub will do, vs two, vs one of a larger model, vs two of a larger model.

It’s All About The Demo

If you’ve been to Audio Emporium, you know we love to demo the gear we sell. We don’t just talk about it. We certainly have strong opinions. They’re founded on proven demos in real listening rooms, which are similar to yours.

We like to share the passion of this discovery with you. Hence we have set up our dems to do this. We’ve learned that if we can PROVE it to you, we have a better chance to do some commerce. With no apologies, that’s our goal. We want to demo various options for you to make the right choice for you, which we trust will bring business to us.

We have gone to the trouble that few hi-fi stores have.

In almost every audio store out there, if you want to hear a subwoofer with a pair of speakers, a salesman has to drag a heavy sub into position and go find a cable long enough to connect it. Then he has to crawl behind components with a flashlight to do so. Now you want to hear the set up with two subs instead of one? Do you really think that’s about to happen? I think not.

About the time you ask a guy to go grab one sub and connect it, he’s sizing you up. Is this customer worth it? Am I really gonna bust my fanny to drag a sub over here for him and mess up the nice, organized displays in our store? And WHAT?! Now you wanna hear TWO?! I have to do it AGAIN?! And then you want to do the same thing with larger subs and go back and forth? One sub vs two? With two different models?! No way. It’s not going to happen. He’ll argue to talk you out of it. Not because it doesn’t make sense. That’s because it’s too much work and he doesn’t know if you’re worth his effort!

Well, we may be crazy. But we ARE set up to do this. Because… THIS is a very valid and downright illuminating comparison. It will tell you what you never knew. We luv it!


I’m just warming up on this topic. You’ve got me going!

Suppose you have some main speakers you pretty much like. You know you’re going to get hammered on a trade. Let’s face it. Perhaps all those nice speakers need is some augmentation to add some motion to your ocean. Maybe you don’t have to, or shouldn’t, dump your mains. They might just need a little augmentation. We can help you make sense of this.

From The Beginning

With a bigger picture in mind, even from the outset, it might make more sense for you to START your speaker plans with a sub or two, instead of more powerful towers. Let’s massage the topic!

Let’s just suppose you absolutely LOVE the beauty and clarity of great speakers like Amphions, Magnepans or GoldenEar BRX’s. I do!

Yet, let’s get real, they don’t have earth moving bass. You might like to have your cake and eat it too. You might prefer to buy one of the afore mentioned main speakers and add a JL Audio sub, or two- instead of getting more powerful towers.

Towers produce more bass, of course. There is a built in balance there. Is that a balance you LIKE, given the placement limitations of your room? For ex, what if the towers need to be fairly close to the back wall. They’ll take on a thicker character that will skew the midrange as well as the bass. Is that for you?

Perhaps you’d like your main speakers out from the wall to breathe a bit more- to make the enclosure disappear. But now you’d like to dial in some supplemental bass. With a tight/controlled JL Audio D-110 or E-110, you can add a little, or a lot. You can dovetail the bass in with subtle texture, or tell everybody to get the Hades outta the way, I’m gonna BRING IT!

You can do either, with the solutions we can provide.

Back to Audio Emporium and our demos. Well, how will you know? As in, how can you hear all of these options in a close time frame so that you’ll be 100% sure of what you’re hearing?

I can promise that you won’t get accurate info on line. All you’ll get will be any number of profound experts talking out of their keisters on the topic.

How about you find out FOR SURE? Just visit us and we can DEMO IT FOR YOU! You can hear it for yourself and discover in a couple minutes, that Mr Online has never heard what you just did! Your assessment is valid because you just heard it. His… is not because he isn’t set up to do, what we are doing for you. There’s no way he has done this.

Please take us up on the JL Audio Subwoofer dem. We run D-110, E-110 and E-112, in single, or DOUBLE BARREL configs for you to make up your own mind.

I’ll give you a quick slant on what to expect.

D-110 $1100 (10”, 750w)

D-110 adds substantial weight to your sound. Running one adds welcome range and heft to your music. Running two, adds more impact, of course. But the big benefit of running two, is two fold. You are asking each to work less than one alone, so the muscle is less intrusive. And when you hear two in the room, you’ll realize that the stories you’ve heard about- toss one subwoofer “anywhere” because it doesn’t matter, are foolishness.

E-110 $1650 (Twice as massive 10” with 1200w)

Oh boy. Now we’re talking! E-110 is cut from a much more Gibraltarish rock than D-110.

The driver is twice as big. The amp is almost twice as big. The mounting system is straight from Fort Knox. You might infer than E-110 will slam quite a bit harder than D-110. You’d be right.

But what you’ll REALLY LOVE about E-110 is the sophistication of how it deftly interfaces with your mains. E-110 elides the flavor of an intrusive crossover. It makes the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle FIT better than anything less. Not only do you get more testosterone with E-110 (think heavyweight vs middleweight), you achieve a cleaner handshake with your mains.

If you take a look at the sub driver in an E-110, you’ll realize this massive woofer alone simply will not fit into almost any tower out there. This begs the question, why should I go with a couple of massive towers, when their bass cannot compete with a pair of E-110s? Further, when you buy E-110s, you get a dedicated crossover and amp to control them. Your system is bi-amped.

Now, you might wonder, why not run towers with built in powered subs? There are some worthy contenders out there. We sell GoldenEar and Dynaudio. We respect Dali and Vandersteen among others. But really folks? You simply cannot compare the sub drivers and performance used in these towers with what JL Audio E-110s can do. Don’t even start. It’s absurd.

E-112 $2100 (12”, 1500w)

E-112 is one big, bad boy! It goes deeper and heavier than E-110 and can move the tectonic plates of your home. E-112 is just plain fun cuz you can’t have too much of a good thing.

I freely admit a pair of E-110s is plenty for most systems- especially on the main floor of your house. Yet for those of you in a basement environment where you have carpet on a concrete slab,

consider manning up (!) and running E-112 (s). The basement environment is brutal for transmitting bass. E-112 knows this and isn’t the least bit intimidated! And OF COURSE you can run E-112s on your main floor. But you might be embarrassed when your friends hear you squeal with delight!