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Isotek Versus

I just read a review in Stereophile. They highly recommend a new power cleaner upper for you.

The Everest conditioner by Shunyata runs just $8000.

The power cord that connects it to the wall is a paltry $3250.

Power cords to connect your source, to your preamp and power amp are almost throw ins at $2000 each = $6k.

All in with a stereo power amp, it’s a mere $17,250. And hey, if you want to hook up your cassette deck, or run monoblock amps, add another $2k per component.

The main theory of this package is that “the majority of the noise problems in AC circuits in audio systems is generated by the audio components themselves. Only a small portion is a gift from the power company.”

Stereophile’s reviewer comments: “And I can’t recommend it highly enough.”


Line Hash

Every time we have measured line hash, whether in our store, at my house or YOUR HOUSE, the distortion right out the wall is at, or exceeds the level of our $1400 meter!

Every company is welcome to its own theory. But I’m not about to buy into this one- where only a small amount of line debris is contributed by the power company. EVERY time I have tested line pollution- it’s massive.

I’m sure the $17,250 worth of power gear they tested improved the sound. I’m not doubting that. But I’m recommending that you DON’T spend $17,250 to deal with your power. How about $2000 to $2585?!

Isotek Aquarius $2000

Isotek Aquarius

The Isotek Aquarius runs $2k. That includes a dynamite Premier power cable which sells a la carte for $195.

Aquarius snuffs the distortion from your wall. Absolutely.

Straight from the wall, our meter always measures 750 to over 1000 (the top threshold of the meter itself). ALWAYS!

Aquarius squelches it to single digits or ZERO. The power meter has a speaker on board as well. EVERY time we test the line, it buzzes like a hive of honeybees. When plugged into Aquarius you can barely hear those bees- if at all. This proves there are plenty of bees coming from your outlet.

Aquarius has RFI rejection of 60dB plus.

It has SIX outlets. EACH of the six outlets has its own filter, so there isn’t cross talk or contamination among the components connected to Aquarius. There is no back wash!

Most importantly, Aquarius cleans up the sound of your system noticeably. The improvement in transient attack, clarity and ambiance cannot be missed. Aquarius will help any system. To not use Aquarius or a comparable conditioner from a fine competitor (which will cost double the price or more by the way!) is masking your music.

I don’t care how expensive your system is. You can buy a stack of Swiss electronics and fancy aluminum cabinet speakers for $500k. If you don’t eliminate the shite coming out of your wall, it won’t sound as clean at a $10k system with Aquarius.

After you have Aquarius, and not before, it does make sense to update your power cables to Isotek Premiers. But if you don’t clean the crud from the wall, why insert better power cables? The honeybees obfuscate fine detail from being heard!

Premiers run $195 each. They hit the point of diminishing returns. You can spend more. Will you hear any difference? I doubt it.

I’m sure the $17,250 package Stereophile tested improved the sound nicely. But I absolutely know the $2k ish package from Isotek would have improved it too. In fact, I’ll bet the Aquarius with 3 Premiers ($2585) will perform so closely to the $17,250 package that you wouldn’t be sure which is which in an audition. Yep, we just saved you $14,665!