414-354-5082  [email protected]

I’m Having A Moment

The world, and hi-fi world in particular for us music lovers, changed quite dramatically during Covid.

In March of 2020 everything was immediately on back order. Supply chains were trashed and nobody could provide product in a timely fashion. In fact some companies couldn’t provide it at all. Even our best suppliers went into a 6-12 month delivery time- which is no way to run a business.

At the same time our wives couldn’t schedule family vacations to Disney World, Paris or even the national parks. We audiophiles were given the green light to treat ourselves- until this mess blew over.

Demand grew. Supply was nil. You know where I’m going.

Prices went up 10% right away. It was understandable. Nobody barked. We got it.

By Christmas 2020 things weren’t much better and literally every company out there said, here’s round two of higher prices. Like it or lump it. And away we went with another 10% hike.

While we understood this, we weren’t as forgiving. And in fact… from the dealer side of the desk, I didn’t like what was happening AT ALL. Our manufacturers almost doubled prepaid freight pricing. We got fuel surcharges. We were told we had to share in the pain and suffering so margins were sliced. All this, while prices had jumped 20% in a year.

Well, spring of 2022 rolled around and guess what? Yup, they did it again!

It was no longer the least bit acceptable that we had manufacturers turning the screws to us while prices were up about a third in two years. We all know C19 was serious business, but at a point you throw the BS flag on the field. And I was there.

The $2200 Tower

Here’s an example of the effects. We had several $2200 per pair towers that were built in China. At $2200 they represented a nice value. Buttt, they weren’t built remotely as well as our Canadian manufactured Bryston A3s for $3290 per pair- with 20 year warranty no less. The Brystons had tons better bass, smoother top end and accepted boatloads more power. As you have surmised by now, those $2200 per pair towers sneaked up to $3k in two years. And… I was not having it.

Well, I’m not the only one. I don’t rule the market by myself. Surprise, surprise. Many dealers threw the same flag on the field and guess what? Prices were reduced!

How do you like that? We went from prices going up a third, to now everything is on sale for 10-20% less. Yet the same high prepaid freight numbers and fuel surcharges remained. I for one, am not a fan of this … HOO HAH.

Things got further confused because Bryston said it could no longer make A3 ($3290pr) or A2 ($3990 pr) at their current prices. They intended to disco these GREAT speakers.

For years we told customers shopping at $2200, if you can stretch a grand to the Brystons- go for it! During C19 the $2200 speakers were now $3k, virtually the same as built like a brick out house Brystons! It made the Brystons good sellers. And then the Bryston rug was pulled out from under us. I got further ticked because those $3k Asian imports all of a sudden tumbled to $2700 or so. Clearly, we, and I mean you too, were being played. And nope, I didn’t like reality of where we were in the summer of 2022.

Bryston A Series

This brings us to the fall of 2022. I went to Bryston, hat in hand (and on my knees) to beg that they do another production run of A Series speakers for us. They said they’d think about it, but they were not excited about building more A’s at the current price- because their costs had jumped. I said I got it, but that’s what we need to straighten out two years of this friggen mess. If Bryston didn’t do this for AE, we’d be beholding to the conniving skunks who had created this mess to begin with- and back to the imported towers whose prices bounce like ping pong balls.

After some soul searching on Bryston’s part and more begging on my part, Bryston decided to put the band back together again!

It has taken a year, since spring of 2022, but by 2023 Bryston is back to making its full line again! On top of loving the sound and build of A Series speakers more than ever, I’m happily flipping the business bird to the importing snakes and skunks who tried to milk every penny out of us as they tried to capitalize on Covid.

So now, today, we are back in the business of being able to offer you affordable, Canadian built, great sounding speakers with 20 year warranty, for not a lot more than the skulduggerous far east imports!

Yes, the Brystons run SOME more money. But really guys, they’re worth it, both in terms of sound quality and warranty. Further, please support Bryston and AE, who have been much rankled by the opportunism at play from the schnooky mass producers. I’m actually kissing off several of these companies who tried to milk the Covid cow.

Bryston A Series


Let’s discuss warranty and service. If you buy the “other guys”- at about a decade they either will not have the parts for your speakers- or will charge you a king’s ransom for them. With Bryston you will not only have better sound, but you will only be half way through your warranty.

Bryston has had 20 year warranties on its electronics for many (40+) years. It is an honorable company and Bryston has proven its mettle.

It sure beats needing a B&W tweeter, for example, and being told to call Encompass for a replacement that might run $250. It would have been $50 before B&W bailed on it. You see, the repair business NOW is a PROFIT CENTER. It is not a thank you card for your biz a decade ago.

Two K Speakers

Now suppose your budget is $2K-ish. Bryston A3 for $3290 might be in the equation. If so, just buy it. If not…

OK. I respect your wallet. I’m telling you NOT to buy a flimsy tower from the other side of the world. You should buy an American (Ft. Lauderdale) built JL D110 sub ($1300) and add wing speakers to meet your budget. I want to stay N American and recommend Bryston’s new Tiny A stand mount for $990 per pair. You get great sound and a 20 year warranty on the Brystons. JL offers 3 years on its subs.