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HP Was Right!

Harry Pearson

Harry Pearson started The Absolute Sound Magazine in 1973. He became THE go to reviewer for audio gear for many years. HP virtually invented the language we use to describe the sound of audio gear. HP helped propel the improvement of audio gear with his criticism.

In 2009 HP was speaking at an audio show and was asked where he thought the biggest improvement would next arrive in our little world. Without much hesitation he offered that cleaning up our POWER was a brand new frontier. He said he expected great strides to be made in that category that would yield untold treasures in expanding our listening pleasure.

Over the past few years we’ve seen Isotek, among other audio companies, do just that. The improvement you’ll get in your system with various Isotek products is just like getting a new pair of glasses with an updated prescription. Until you see and hear such improvements, you can’t believe
they were even there to be had!