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Dave’s Faves – Isotek Initium Power Cable

Isotek Initium Power Cable $175

1.5m = 58.5 Inches (not available in custom lengths)

Isotek Initium Power Cable

We have been beating the drum hard for Isotek since we learned about it in 2015. Never before had I heard power components that IMPROVED your sound quality.

We knew we needed surge protectors to save us from brown outs & storm spikes. But until 2015 I wasn’t willing to say any such devices made your music ABSOLUTELY SOUND BETTER.

I had been approached by EVERYBODY in the power biz over the years and DUTIFULLY auditioned the contenders. Yes, we needed them to save us from damage, but they did not improve sound quality. In fact, they often made the sound a bit more soggy and murky while providing protection.

It was a dilemma because you HAD to protect your gear or risk expensive damage. Please believe me when I say once your fine audio gear is ZAPPED in a lightning storm, it cannot be repaired properly. Gremlins abound! It will never be right again.

Isotek proved to be a game changer by introducing MAINS CONDITIONERS that protected AND cleaned up our sound. Before and after comparisons were definitive. Bass sludge disappeared. Before Isotek, we didn’t even know it was there! Transient attacks improved on all instruments. Voices stepped out from the background and became more immediate. CDs and records began to sound like master tapes. In short, all characteristics we audiophiles crave, were improved by Isotek.

I can assure you that mains conditioners like Polaris, Aquarius and Sigmas ABSOLUTELY filter the line debris that obfuscates musical detail. The improvement is analogous to removing the snow from analog TV back in the day. You get rid of the snow and see a cleaner picture. It’s the same with these Isotek mains conditioners.

Now, back when the power guys were knocking on our door with surge protectors, they were also pushing their power cables. Once again, I dutifully auditioned them and concluded- they were not clearly a step up from the cheapy black power cables that come with our gear. I didn’t buy in. With Isotek, that has changed.

Isotek makes several outstanding POWER CABLES, and does so at reasonable prices. Their first cable is called Initium ($150). When using a Polaris or other Isotek conditioner, you CAN hear an improvement when using Initium instead of your cheap black power cable. Initium is a high quality, heavy duty cable with nickel pins and polyethylene jacket. The sonic improvement is in tighter bass, better clarity and quieter background.

Initium is comprised of:
*Pure 6N oxygen free copper for maximum conductivity.
*2.0 sqmm conductors to provide superior amperage
*Polyethylene as its isolating jacket
*Brass connectors with nickel plating
*Multi-strand Cotton filler to maintain dielectric consistency
*Paper wrap give barrier and mains cable structure
*Flexible PVC jacket