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Dave’s Faves – Bryston Model Trim T-10

Bryston Model Trim T-10, $10,000 Per Pair

Bryston Model Trim T-10
Trim T-10, Boston Cherry

Finishes: Black Ash, Walnut, Walnut Expresso, Boston Cherry, Natural Cherry

{60h, 10w, 16d, 83 lbs, 91 dB SPL, 4 ohms}

Two 6.5” Pure Aluminum Woofers, Two 5.25” Pure Aluminum Mids, Two Titanium Tweets in each tower.

Frequency Response, 32-20K, +/- 3dB

Bryston Model Trim T-10

Bryston’s brand new Model T-10 LINE ARRAY speaker lineup, is a true assault on state of the art speakers. The definition and 3D spacious imaging with precise center- is magnificent to behold.

Model Trim T-10 is also based on BAM.

Bryston Audio Module - BAM

Bryston Audio Module – BAM

Bryston’s new T-10 Series models all revolve around the Bryston Audio Module- BAM for short.

BAM is an innovative technology to derive superb resolution and imaging from your speakers. It features two Titanium tweeters in the center, with a pair of Pure Aluminum Midrange drivers above and below. The Midrange drivers are housed within their own chambers and are tuned in a unique way that they don’t need traditional capacitors to roll them off. Hence there are less electronics in the road.

BAM’s cabinet begins with thick, densely forged Canadian Rangerwood. The front baffle is braced with an Aluminum contoured plate to provide further structural integrity. The Aluminum panel is machined in a beveled configuration to help the drivers disperse in Bryston’s desired window.

BAM provides sparkling clear detail, with a tall, spacious, rock solid image. Before we even discuss the power differences among T-10 models, I want to make clear that it’s the BAM core module that is responsible for the transparent heart and soul of the music of the T-10 Series.

Model Trim T-10 Woofer Array

Bryston uses two powerful 6.5” Cast Frame woofers in each tower. Each driver is 4.5” deep, weighs 8 pounds and has a Pure Aluminum cone for unrivaled rigidity. Configured in pairs, Trim T-10 will pressurize the bass in your room from four locations, to eschew standing waves that typically occur when you run just two.

Trim T-10 creates a true WALL OF SOUND with this format. You would expect strong power, and you get it in a slightly leaner shade than its bigger brothers. What Trim T-10 does further is provide a tall, 3D soundstage that brings new life to your music. Until you hear Trim T-10 in person, you can’t believe the soundstage this Line Array can cast.

Trim T-10 Is Under Priced {Please don’t tell Bryston!}

Why do I say Trim T-10 is inexpensive now? To appreciate the value of Bryston’s Trim T-10, you have to compare them with other top competitors. What do the other top guys sell for similar money?

B&W 702S2, $7500 pr

For about the same price B&W makes this model in China with a 5 year warranty. Bryston is built in Canada with a 20 year warranty. B&W has an aluminum tweeter coated with carbon particles to make it stronger. They call it carbon. It’s a combination of materials. It isn’t carbon as claimed. Bryston wants contiguous aluminum. They don’t want something else bonded to it- to swim with its boots on. B&W has a “Continuum” midrange driver. That’s a woven fabric. Bryston has contiguous aluminum mid drivers which are more rigid and tough. B&W has three “Aerofoil” woofers, which are comprised of Styrofoam between paper skins- a sandwich. Bryston has pure contiguous aluminum woofers. B&W claims 46-28k range but when tested in Brit Hi-Fi News, was -3dB at 55Hz. Bryston runs solid to 32Hz.

Kef LS60, $7000 pr

This Kef is made in China with a two year warranty. Again, Bryston is made in Canada with a 20 year warranty. Kef has a .75” aluminum tweet which is horn loaded by their 4’ mid cone. Kef runs four 5.25” side firing woofs. They measure down 3dB at 40Hz. All drivers are powered by built in D amps- THAT explains the two year warranty folks! In the course of 20 years, Bryston’s warranty, you’ll replace a stack of flimsy chip D amps in the Kefs- NO doubt about it!


Model Trim T-10 is a tall, LINE ARRAY system that purveys a massive image. These other guys are smaller, more traditionally sized speakers. Their image is commensurately small, as they’re basically selling you a 3-way.

Bryston’s cabinet is thick, rigid and offers tremendous a support structure. My two cents is that some other guys get precious little more from their epoxy resin or aluminum boxes that run twice as heavy. I’ll take Bryston’s LINE ARRAY driver configuration for the extra money, thank you very much. Cuz when you look at what the esoteric boys sell you, it’s basically 3-4 drivers made by Scanspeak or Seas- in an overkill cabinet.

As for me, I appreciate Bryston’s more balanced approach. Bryston provides a much greater proportion of its investment in drivers. Bryston makes its own drivers in its own house. You can see Scanspeak and Seas in these other guys. Yep, that’s exactly what they are. Some vendors make fancy sandwich cones to send Scanspeak. The drivers themselves are still Scanspeaks, for all the good that does, with endemic variation in sample to sample production. That doesn’t make them bad. In fact, Scanspeak and Seas are good vendors. But Bryston makes its own and has total control over the quality AND COST.