I ran into The Absolute Sound mag at a news stand when issue 1 came out in the early 70s. I have subscribed ever since. I discovered Stereophile about the same time.
For many years these mags were the eyes and ears for those of us who loved hi-fi gear but could only experience the limited offerings of our local dealers. The local guys pushed big box brands- before there was big box. We passionate audio buffs wanted better. The mags helped us become aware of cut above brands. You know, Magnepan, Dahlquist, McIntosh, Bryston etc.
I’m saddened that these mags are of very little value any more. They live in CRAZY TOWN!
While I couldn’t afford Tympanis or DQ-10s while in college, I enjoyed reading about them because their technology was fascinating and the pricing was reasonably attainable. I could easily look forward to the day where I’d buy speakers for $1000-$1500. They weren’t stupid money.
April 2022 Stereophile
I opened my April 2022 Stereophile the other day and came across a chunky two box preamp system from Engstrom. $60k. Yep, 60 freakin K for this stereo preamp. The writer is quite torn at comparing this Engstrom to his $40k D’Agostino and the $53k darTZeel.
Some quick math, sans my calculator, tells me this guy has $153k of preamps sitting around his house. I know he’s got over a million buxx of other gear too. OK, let’s play along and see where this goes.
The writer first heard Engstrom at a show through $54k speakers, a $70k digital playback system and $60k worth of cabling. The gear sat upon audio stands for $25k+. Yep, it’s just like at your house.
The $60k preamp was unlistenable out of the box due to a nasty hum. A replacement had to be sent.
After reviewing this trio he tells us the darTZeel emits a hiss through his speakers, which he can hear 12’ away from his listening chair.
The Engstrom emits a hum that he can hear from the same position.
After copious listening he can only tell us that the differences are distinct and a matter of YOUR TASTE. Then he goes on to say that the Engstrom is a “complete musical instrument” and he can curl up “and find myself transported into bliss.”
But BUDDY, you can hear hiss/hum in your listening chair.
What happens when you play Ralph Vaughn Williams “Lark Ascending?” Or LVB’s “Moonlight Sonata.” Does the hum turn off then?
Stereophile devotes six pages to this utter nonsense. We’re hearing about a system worth over a million dollars, complete with hum or hiss. And THIS… is what we’re spending our time on?
Audio Emporium
I opened Audio Emporium in 1977. We have great products that are actually attainable. Some of our products are expensive, but not INSULTINGLY so.
I will help you make decisions within your budget. I love doing it and of course, hope to win your business in the process.
I won’t chain you down to a chair like a car dealership and sweat you with a hard close. The way I look at it is, WE are in this hobby together.
Of course I make a buck when I sell gear. We’re big boys. We understand business and how the world turns. I’m willing to DO THE WORK to earn your biz, both with product recommendations and support. You get paid for what you do too.
With this in mind, I would find a $50-60k preamp that hums or hisses- DISQUALIFYING. How about you? I wouldn’t even bother to audition it. I have quiet preamps for a fraction of that price.
You can hear two magnificent preamps (for starters) at Audio Emporium that don’t hum or hiss. Check out the NAD C165BEE for just over a grand, and the Bryston BR20 for about six. The BR-20 will rival his $50-60k preamps straight up- and has a DAC on board that’s second to none.
Since the mags are not the least bit interested in being your advocate for GREAT gear that a real human can actually afford, please rely on Audio Emporium for sage, cost effective advice. You can read our website 24/7, or better yet, call in to talk to a human being.
We do biz with people from all over the US. Please consider doing biz with us. We are like minded audiophiles/musicians who appreciate that you want a dollar’s worth of performance for a dollar spent.