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Audio Emporium

Speaker Kable & The Point Of Diminishing Returns

Opinions?! Audiophiles get quite opinionated about speaker cable. Or if you buy Kimber Kable, as we recommend, use the K in kable. Fat or Thin? Let’s cover a little history first. In the 70’s the topic of thick cable was new. Companies like Fulton, Levinson and Monster said- the bigger the better. Bill Johnson of ARC said that fat wire sounds too…

People Of Audio

I’ve been in the audio biz since 1975. Over the years I’ve gotten to know, or at least brushed shoulders with many of the big names of our biz. James Bongiorno Jim Bongiorno was among the first high powered amp designers. He had worked for Marantz, SAE and Dynaco. By the mid 70s he had opened his own company (we thought) called…

Bryston 4B Cubed Sounds Tubed!

Let me tell you I never been a fan of Solid State at all. I owned/tried so many SS amp and gave up few years ago and been only own the tube amplification since. However this 4B3 amp just open up the whole new world to me.

For Piano Snobs Only

We piano snobs debate the difference between Ding Dongs and Ho Hos all the time. Which pianist, which piano, which recording in which hall… we are, I’m afraid, insufferable. A few years ago there were some very interesting CDs produced by Eric Himy on a Steingraeber Phoenix piano. It is half a foot longer than the ubiquitous Steinway D. It has a…

Mains Conditioners Have Come Of Age

Manufacturers of mains conditioners have been pushing their products for years. There has been no question that we have needed some level of protection from all the brown outs we get, whether caused by belches from the power companies, or thunder storms. It used to be, after a weekend of storms, we’d get half a dozen calls saying my gear has locked…

Beware Of Land Mines On The Web!

We just heard from a vendor who had a pallet full of gear stolen at a recent trade show. The vendor won’t allow us to publish who they are. You’ll see why. This gear is popping up for sale on various web sites, as demos, used, or even factory sealed gear. The thieves probably don’t know, or care, that the vendor keeps…

How Much Pepper?

How much pepper do you like in your chili recipe? Do you like just enough to give it taste? Or do you want it burn a bit? That brings me to the topic of speakers, and audio gear in general. A speaker, for this discussion, will be the result of the “chef” or designer who created it. Just as we have different…