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Audio Emporium

Leveling The Playing Field

A hundred years ago when I was in high school shopping for my first stereo, I was confused by amplifier power ratings. I was trying to compare receivers- starting with power as one of the most important categories. In the late 60s the same amp could be rated at 30 watts, 22 watts per channel, or maybe even 70 watts IHF. The…

Bryston BR-20: Another Rave!

Bryston BR-20: Another Rave!

Bryston’s Great BCD3

Bryston’s Great BCD3

I’m Having A Moment

The world, and hi-fi world in particular for us music lovers, changed quite dramatically during Covid. In March of 2020 everything was immediately on back order. Supply chains were trashed and nobody could provide product in a timely fashion. In fact some companies couldn’t provide it at all. Even our best suppliers went into a 6-12 month delivery time- which is no…

Bryston: More Awards

Bryston Seven


To Sub, Or Not To Sub, That… is the question! Do you need a subwoofer for a STEREO system? You Do There are precious few towers that go nearly as deep as a JL Audio subwoofer. If you go to the bottom of our home page and click on the yellow tab that says JL Audio Double Barrels, you can see the…