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Audio Emporium

Bryston Active Impresses!

Bryston Active Impresses!

Marantz SACD30n SACD/CD Player

Further Thoughts Regular readers of our site know that I’m an avid silver disc fan. If you want to stream or play vinyl, that’s fine with me too. But you likely have a collection of silver discs that you haven’t heard to their finest. First of all, what a concept! Buy a disc. Put it in a machine and hit play. It…

Bryston Speakers-Great Balance

Perhaps the toughest task when producing an affordable loudspeaker is to achieve great BALANCE. Achieving warm, full bass at a reasonable price point ain’t easy! High Frequency Response It’s easy to get the high freq balance you want by using any number of tweeter designs- along with employing a plethora of crossover tools. Attaining great speed and transparency is challenging. But choosing…

Mains Conditioner: A Vital Component!

Mains Conditioner: A Vital Component! (7-20-23) I’ve been in the audio hobby since 1970. I’ve had my own audio store since 1975. It’s only been in the last decade that Mains Conditioners have not only gotten better, but become indispensable components in a highly resolving music system. If you don’t clean up the line hash coming from your wall, the resolution of…

TAS 50th Anniversary

I stared reading The Absolute Sound with issue #1 in 1973. It was a wonderful addition to the hi-fi rags of the day as HP and his helpers introduced us to the sound of products well beyond the range of our local stores. Our locals were either poorly capitalized efforts by well meaning hobbyists or chains just interested in “shifting boxes.” In…

More Bryston Speakers!

More Bryston Speakers!

Bryston 4B Cubed Still A Superstar

Bryston 4B Cubed Still A Superstar