There’s something missing… I received my Bryston BR20 preamp and have to inform you there’s something missing. The grunge in between notes (all I hear in between in silence). My Goodness! What a wonderful preamp. Kudos to you and the team…
A subwoofer can be a secret weapon. That’s IF you get one that’s NOT too big, fat and boomy. You want one that’s stealth. You don’t want to hear it all the time. It shouldn’t encroach on your R&L main speakers. It just needs to help down low. It needs to be ready to pounce when called upon, but otherwise not be…
The topic of DACs is always interesting. Whether stand alone, or built into an integrated amp or preamp, DACs have a lot of influence on the sound of your music and TV. To get cut above performance, you can’t beat beefy, linear power supplies. The DAC chip you use is just the start. It’s actually more important to make sure your DAC…
This fully balanced, Class AB amplifier packs 600 watts (8 ohms) into a normal-sized, 42-pound single chassis per hannel.
The previous generation “squared” series improved output-stage performance hereas the newer “cubed” series improves the input stage. The result represents a more refined sound for Bryston overall. The Bryston 7B³’s bass extension and stability during demanding musical passages, coupled with relatively low noise, impart an admirable sense of ease to the presentation. Soundstage depth is in keeping with other solid-state amps at its price level, but width and height are really exceptional…
Bryston’s BHA-1 has proved itself for over a decade and is one battle tested headphone amplifier I wish I had discovered sooner. For the better part of the past three years, almost every headphone that has passed through my hands for review has been tested with the Pass Labs HPA-1 Headphone Amplifier. DACs have come and gone, but this is one headphone amplifier that consistently tells me what every headphone is capable of…
I view running Audio Emporium like being the GM of a baseball team. We have categories to fill and I try very hard to “beat” other teams with our sage selection, or MIX. When evaluating speakers for about $8k per pair, we need an assortment of speakers that can appeal to virtually any buyer. It’s a fun challenge! And in fact, it…
I’ve written extensively for years about how silver discs are my favorite way to listen to music. They’ve had enormous potential from day one and reward you for putting effort into the format the same way you do for vinyl. It has always made sense to pursue higher achieving CD players rather than skewer the format while listening to a portable Radio…