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Audio Emporium


Mo-Fi Studio Deck + $1400 Mo-Fi’s Studio Deck+ is a built in Ann Arbor, TANK of a turntable. Turntables, like all audio components, make a difference in the sound of your system. The sound of StudioDeck+ is distinctly warmer and less bright, or brittle, than the popular brands we’ve all heard of. The background is quieter and there’s less rumble. StudioDeck+ starts…


Amphion Argon 3LS Tower Speakers: $3500 (White or Black, $4300 Walnut) (38 1/8h, 7 5/8w, 12d, 8 ohms, 50 lbs, 85 dB SPL) Suppose you would like a beautiful sounding diminutive tower. That… would be the Amphion Argon 3LS. It is made in Finland in Amphion’s factory. It isn’t a generic badged effort from Asia. If you’re after a very serious loudspeaker…


KLH Model 5 $2000 Per Pair: Price Includes Risers Walnut or Mahogany Finishes (34.25h on riser, 13.73w, 13d, 52 lbs, 6 ohms, 90.5 dB) A new KLH-5 has just been introduced to the market. What is different about KLH-5 vs a zillion other speakers? First of all, it uses a SEALED cabinet- there’s no port. This helps tighten the bass. It doesn’t…


Bryston Middle T: $6870 Per Pair (39.4h, 10.4w, 16.3d, 81 lbs, 88 dB SPL, 20 Year Warranty!) Who would be a candidate to buy the Bryston Middle T speakers? How about… someone who wants large and powerful sound without adding subs? How about … someone who wants reference level size and scale but doesn’t have room for a monster tower? There are…


Bryston BR-20 Preamp/DAC $6000 Bryston announced in the spring of 2020 that it would be coming out with a new, state of the art Preamp/DAC. Well… that was when C19 was ramping up and, to make a long story short, it has taken over a year, instead of a couple months, to deliver on the promise. But it’s been worth the wait!…


Klipsch Forte IV


Falcon Ram 20 $2700 Per Pair (17h, 9w, 10.47d) Falcon Acoustics of England makes speakers that pretty well hit the stereotype of what we expect from English speakers. There’s nothin’ wrong with that! In England, people generally don’t have large rooms. I have visited vendors there and it’s amazing how over a thousand people can live in an apartment building the size…