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Audio Emporium

Dave’s Faves – Bryston BR-20 Preamp / DAC

Bryston BR-20 Preamp/DAC $6800 (4.5h, 17w, 13.5d) Bryston’s new state of the art preamp/DAC has been dubbed “BR” to honor Bryston’s Brian Russell, who died in 2020. Brian was Bryston’s outgoing national sales manager for 45+ years. Bryston honors Brian with this designation. All Bryston preamps up to now have been dubbed BP. The $6800 price tag DOES include Bryston’s new BR-20i…

Dave’s Faves – Rogue RP-5 v2 Tube Preamp

Rogue RP-5 v2 Tube Preamp, $4000 (4.5h, 18.5w, 14.5d, 30 lbs.) Rogue has just enhanced its RP-5 preamp to RP-5v2. RP-5 was always smooth and warm- great characteristics, of course. RP-5v2 is, nonetheless, a dramatic upgrade! I’m happily shocked at the level of improvement. RP-5v2 transmutes a distinctly improved level of TRANSPARENCY to the party that its predecessor didn’t have! RP-5v2 will…

Dave’s Faves – Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp

Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp $2695 (2.75h, 17w, 12.25d, black or silver) Bryston’s BHA-1 does for headphones, what huge, Bryston monoblock amps do for speakers. Not only is BHA-1 stone cold quiet, but it makes any headphones start and stop like lightning. The speed and control of BHA-1 is as good as it gets. What you’ll find is, even modest headphones benefit from…

Dave’s Faves – Marantz SACD-30n

Marantz SACD-30n $3000 While every format has its strengths and weaknesses, I still have to have a silver disc player. Ideally, that silver disc player would play SACDs as well as Red Book CDs. There is plenty of music on disc that I need, that I can’t get any other way. Marantz introduced a stunningly amazing player during Covid 19 ravaged 2020…

Dave’s Faves – Kimber Kable Hero Interconnects

Kimber Kable, Hero Interconnects, Ultraplate RCAs or XLRs .5m $231, 1m $296, 1.5m $361, 2m $426 Kimber makes cables from modest to esoteric. The sweet spot for most of our customers is the iconic Kimber Hero. It is used in some of the highest end systems going, yet is still reasonably priced. Hero consists of a four wire, Varistrand, braided geometry, interlink…

Dave’s Faves – Isotek Initium Power Cable

Isotek Initium Power Cable $175 1.5m = 58.5 Inches (not available in custom lengths) We have been beating the drum hard for Isotek since we learned about it in 2015. Never before had I heard power components that IMPROVED your sound quality. We knew we needed surge protectors to save us from brown outs & storm spikes. But until 2015 I wasn’t…

Dave’s Faves – Bryston Mini A

15.5h, 8.5w, 8.25d, 12 lbs, 87dB, 4 ohms To get more background on Bryston speakers please take a minute to read “Bryston Speakers”. The background story and speaker technology is described there. This entry is specific to the Mini A. The warranty on all Bryston speakers is 20 years! Mini A: 3-Way Design Bryston’s Mini A is a special mini as it…