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Bryston Speakers-Great Balance

Perhaps the toughest task when producing an affordable loudspeaker is to achieve great BALANCE. Achieving warm, full bass at a reasonable price point ain’t easy!

High Frequency Response

It’s easy to get the high freq balance you want by using any number of tweeter designs- along with employing a plethora of crossover tools.

Attaining great speed and transparency is challenging. But choosing high freq “color” is easy. Bryston achieves both great transparency and Steinway Smooth tonal balance.

Whether you want your high end tilt to be bright, soft, or somewhere in the middle- is mechanically easy to accomplish.

You just have to decide WHICH flavor is right. And of course you have to make sure your end result is tough and reliable when it lands in someone’s living room. That’s easier said than done.

The question of BALANCE gets really tough when we consider bass response.

Low Frequency Response

It costs a lot more money to employ CAST FRAME drivers instead of STAMPED frame drivers.

It costs a lot more money to build stout cabinets with lavish internal support structures instead of thin walls with a little stuffing from China.

Is a company willing to pony up to build robust crossover networks to handle massive power instead of using skimpy parts and crossed fingers?

Enter Bryston Speakers

Bryston has been making among the best sounding and most reliable electronics in our industry, in Canada, with TWENTY YEAR WARRANTY no less, since the 1960s.

Bryston has been making among the best sounding and most reliable speakers in our industry, in Canada, with TWENTY YEAR WARRANTY no less, since 2012. It was in the wake of the 2009 recession when Bryston realized the market for making high quality speakers in N America or Europe was wide open.

Almost all of the competition who inhabited this landscape changed in complexion. Their remaining speakers didn’t have muscular bass, went to China, or at least doubled pricing. Bryston stepped right in and hasn’t looked back.

Bryston Balance

Bryston’s high frequency balance is Steinway Smooth- not biting. We find that our most critical listeners who love acoustic instruments and human voices, invariably choose Bryston. Yet to be fair, many companies deliver a reasonably pleasant upper end timbre perspective. They’re not as tough as Bryston though.

Voicing the high end of a speaker is a lot like seasoning your chili recipe.

Bryston’s low frequency weight and extension separates the men from the boys! Bryston uses cast frame drivers and extremely hearty cabinetry with an internal matrix support structure to deliver prodigiously deeper, stronger, and more tuneful bass than the far east imports.

The bass Bryston delivers in its A Series, from about $3-5k per pair, is devastatingly more impactful and tougher than all the highly advertised brands you see shipped over here by slow boat. Because of its use of heavier and superior CABINETS & HARDWARE with intense QC in the manufacturing process, Bryston not only sounds fuller and richer, they support it with a 20 year warranty.

Further, Bryston’s bass is much more advanced than the ONE-NOTE character that most of its competitors have. Most of the other guys who give you ANY weighty bass tend to drone in attempts to give that bass some more hang time. Bryston will reveal unique stand up bass and drum kit textures and percussive qualities.

The Asian built competitors skimp on driver and cabinet muscle in their affordable towers. Most sound OK, even pleasant, but obfuscate bass detail and are quite vulnerable to attack! These manufacturers are bean counting. They are building to a more slight standard and banking on the fact that they will indeed EAT a certain percentage of repairs. Surely some roughnecks will blow up some drivers. That- is cooked into the casserole. These speaker builders are prepared for that. It’s easier to build with an accepted flush rate- than to build every speaker to a higher standard- which is what Bryston does. And- they might get lucky through big box. If enough little old ladies from Pasadena buy your speakers, you CAN get away with smaller engines.

In production, every Bryston driver has to pass a gauntlet of tests:

*Amplitude Response

*Impedance Curve



Only after drivers pass these tests are they actually installed into finished loudspeakers. Then the entire speaker has to pass another battery of tests and survive Bryston’s Torture Chamber test before they’re fit to ship.

Bryston can provide a 20 year warranty because their speakers have been built to a more robust standard than the other guys. Each driver and finished speaker has undergone heavy scrutiny. Keep in mind, the other guys invariably buy parts from vendors or belch them out from a speaker house half the world away. There’s no way they can be the least big generous with their warranty policy. With Bryston, it’s 20 years. Did I remember to mention that before?