C-19 has been brutal on many of our manufacturers. Supply has been sparse on a lot of inventory, most notably Bryston speakers. You know, the speakers that have a 20 year warranty and sound GREAT!
We’ve just gotten our first shipment of Brystons since March. This first batch includes some of our best sellers. Mini A. A3. And A2.
Just to remind you about these marvelous speakers… The top end is Steinway smooth. The bass is absolutely prodigious for the size/price. The soundstage is wide and deep, with the center
image well focused.
Bryston attains this disproportionate level of performance for the price due to the use of conspicuously massive cabinetry and driver hardware. Bryston has a friendly relationship with Axiom who is down the road a piece in Canada. Axiom does Bryston’s assembly, hence Bryston’s labor cost is reasonable. This helps you on the bottom line.
In some corners nay sayers have commented that Bryston and Axiom speakers are the same. They are not. There are similarities, especially in the aesthetics of cabinetry that don’t influence the sound. Bryston designs are thicker, heavier and have bracing that takes performance to a higher level of sound and reliability.
And there’s the minor little feature of a 20 year warranty!
We have sold some fine speakers since 1977 including Polk, B&W and Paradigm. None of these companies could be counted on to support parts on a given model beyond approximately 10-12 years. Their warranties were five. Bryston is committed to supporting its speakers for 20 PLUS!