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Bryston 7B Cubed Power Amps Back In Da House

Bryston 7B Cubed Power Amp

There’s more than one amplifier brand on audio’s Mt Rushmore. There is no question that one of the brands that belongs there is Bryston of Canada. There’s also no question that Bryston is the most reliable AND has the best warranty, which is 20 years!

Bryston’s Model 4B Cubed ($7500, 300×2) is more than enough amp for almost all of our customers. It’s powerful and sounds fabulous by any picky audiophile assessment.

But suppose you have speakers that rival the finest built at any price. I’m talking about Bryston’s new Model T-10 speakers that run $20k per pair- and are flat out UNDER PRICED at this number. With speakers this powerful and revealing, we can justify going even a step further than the already magnificent 4B Cubed.

Bryston’s 7B Cubed MonoBlock amps are back in da house! They run $7500 each, and produce 600w into 8 ohms. They are precisely what the doctor ordered for Bryston’s brand new, truly inspiring Model T-10 speakers.

When the T-10s landed we put them in place and ran them off a 200×2 Mac integrated amp because it was convenient. The T-10s sounded very good and a dozen or so customers heard them in the day or two it took to get the Bryston stack in place as we wanted.

Next we ran the T-10s off Bryston’s BR20 preamp and 4B Cubed power amp. The Mac was smooth and musical, but not as fast, nor with the bass grip of 4B Cubed. The upgrade was SO substantial that I decided to throw some more thunderbolts into the equation.

Enter the Bryston 7B Cubed MonoBlock power amps. Driving the Model T-10s with the 7s brought us a new level of acceleration and dynamic contrast. The impact of the bass is now CRUSHING. The ability of 7Bs to deliver superlative vocal clarity with a regal soundstage raises goose bumps.

How spoiled we are… to hear this Bryston synergy in the flesh! While this pricing isn’t chump change, it’s downright inexpensive compared to what you read about in Stereophile or TAS every month.

These mags go ga-ga about $50k speakers that feature 3-4 drivers purchased from Scandinavian OEMs, screwed into 250 pound boxes. While those speakers are good, of course,

I’m going to recommend you spend your money more wisely- with Bryston.

With Model T-10 you get a much more substantial LINE ARRAY of drivers with eight massively built woofers (in house by Bryston by the way- not purchased from an OEM). You drive them with Bryston’s 7B Cubed amps and the performance is as transparent as it is HUGE.

Please visit so we can prove it to you.

Bryston 7B Cubed Power Amp