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Bjorn Erik Edvardsen: RIP (1945-2018)

RIP Bjorn Erik Edvardsen

BEE of NAD has died after being with the company 46 years. What a run! BEE was born in Norway and gets significant credit for changing the face of affordable audio gear.

After stints at Dolby Labs and AR, BEE helped kick start a new audio company, NAD, in England in1972. In 1978 BEE designed the iconic NAD 3020 integrated amplifier. It went on to sell over one million units and set new standards of performance for inexpensive hi-fi gear.

Everyone else was badging cheesy receivers made by generic vendors at the time. BEE created the concept of a great performing, affordable, integrated amp!

I was among the first ten NAD dealers in the USA, picking the line up in 1977 just before the 3020 hit the market. It ran under $200. While rated at 20×2, due to great headroom and Soft Clipping, 3020 could drive any speaker out there pretty well- including hungry Maggies!

The 3020 became the default budget amp to buy in a bargain hi-fi, because it allowed the customer to sink most of his money into the speakers, where it would pay off more handsomely. And garsh, it even had a pre out / main in loop- so a customer could add a stronger power amp down the road. BEE was way ahead of his time!

I sold hundreds of the little buggers in Milwaukee. I specifically remember selling it on occasion with the terrific Snell Type A loudspeakers. $1800 speakers with $200 amp and it made total sense! Toss on the Rega table and WOW, great hi-fi!

Some of my fave NAD products were those denoted BEE. This suffix meant BEE personally gave extra TLC to a model, and confirmed he felt, he really NAILED IT!

To this day, NAD still provides the best sounding, most solidly built, affordable integrateds our biz has to offer. BEE designs improved and found their way into the full line of NAD products. BEE mentored the next generation of NAD & Bluesound designers. Due to BEE’s ground work and innovations, NAD continues to thrive today!