414-354-5082  [email protected]

Best Integrated Amp Value!

Atoll IN50 $1200 (50×2)

Atoll IN50 Signature

You’re looking for a great integrated amp value. Where do you start? In a word, Atoll.

Most people, start the process off on the wrong foot. Rather than thinking about how to get the best SOUND, they think they need to buy the most watts and the most features. If you do this, you’ll end up purchasing a Chinese box with a flimsy switching power supply that won’t wake up your speakers. It will sound OK, but downright LAZY compared to a smarter alternative- Atoll.

Atoll is built in France. It has a 3 year warranty. Take a look inside and you’ll find a large transformer, substantial filter caps, and it’s built with very little wire running around the insides that will collect RFI.

Atoll’s IN50 Signature is a magnificent piece of work! It has a big heart (linear power supply) and transmits signal on an exquisitely made printed circuit board. There is no spaghetti requiring hundreds of solder joints (that can go bad), with wire running over and adjacent to other components where it will generate hum and noise.

Atoll is hand built in France from the ground up. They build and test their own boards before they go into the finished products. Then the finished product is tested thoroughly before it’s shipped.

Atoll IN50 Signature

IN50 will drive very substantial speakers (like Brystons) to higher levels than any sane person will desire. In the process, it will deliver heavy, controlled bass with big musical dynamics. The sonic flavor is smoother rather than grainier. There is no background noise.

IN50 at $1200 is in line stage configuration. You can add an MM phono board for $130. You can add a great DAC for $300. With Atoll, the heart and soul are endemic to whichever version you select. You can build your own pizza from the stock unit.

Ya wanna see what the other guys give you?

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