Most of our friends and family turn on political TV at night and get angry. Fortunately WE in the audio hobby, have music in our lives and THAT can be the evening’s entertainment. Last night I wanted to hear something soul searching and beautiful. In my world, that has to be acoustic. Further, I prefer music that is a bit sparse so…
- Atohm GT-3
- Atohm GT-2
- Atohm GT-1
- Atoll Power Amps
- Atoll IN400 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN300 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN200 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN100 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN80 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN50 Integrated Amp
- Atoll PR300 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll PR200 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll SDA300 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll SDA200 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll CD Players
- Atoll CD200 CD Player
- Atoll CD100 CD Player
- Atoll CD80 CD Player
- Atoll CD50 CD Player
- Atoll MD100 CD Player
- Atoll Power Amps For Theater
- Atoll PH100 Phono Preamp
- Axiom M-60
- Axiom M-50
- Axiom M5
- Axiom M3
- Axiom M2
- Black Velvet Interconnects
- Bluesound Node 2024
- Bryston BR-20 Preamp/DAC
- Bryston BP19 Analog Preamp
- Bryston BCD-3, CD Player $4500
- Bryston 4B-SST3
- Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp
- Bryston Model T-10 Speaker
- Bryston Model Trim T-10
- Bryston Model T
- Bryston Middle T
- Bryston Mini T
- Bryston A1
- Bryston A2
- Bryston A3
- Bryston Tiny A
- Bryston Mini A
- Grado RS 1x Headphones
- Hegel V10 Phono Preamp
- Isotek Elektra V5 Mains Conditioner
- Isotek Corvus V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Polaris V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Premier Power Cable
- Isotek Initium Power Cable
- JL Audio Fathom F112v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio Fathom F110v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio E-112
- JL Audio D-110 Subwoofers
- JL Audio E-110 Subwoofers
- Kimber Kable Carbon Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable 8 Pair Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable Carbon Interconnect
- Kimber Kable Tonik Interconnects
- Kimber Kable Hero Interconnects
- Klipsch LaScala AL5 Speakers
- Klipsch Cornwall IV
- Klipsch Forte 4 Speakers
- Klipsch Heresy IV Speakers
- Magnepan MG-20.7
- Magnepan MG 2.7i
- Magnepan MG-1.7i
- Magnepan MG – .7
- Marantz AV7706 Preamp/Processor
- Marantz MM7055 5 Ch Power Amp
- Marantz SACD-30n CD Player
- Marantz Cinema 70s
- MoFi UltraDeck Plus
- MoFi StudioPhono
- MoFi UltraGold MC Phono Cartridge
- MoFi UltraPhono
- Mytek Liberty 2 DAC
- Ortofon MC Quintet Black S
- Ortofon MC Quintet Blue Cartridge
- Ortofon Bronze MM Cartridge
- Ortofon Blue MM Cartridge
- Rega Planar 3 Turntable
- Rega Planar 2 Turntable
- Rega Planar 1 Turntable
- Rogue RP-5 v2 Tube Preamp
- Rogue RP-1 Stereo Preaamp
Audiophile Archives
The Latest, Dave’s Faves, and the AE Newsletter all in one:
Bryston BI200 Rave
September 19, 2024
The Bryston Bi-200 integrated amp arrived late yesterday. Plugged in and playing! I cannot begin to tell you how large the grin is on my face. This has replaced a very capable 50-watt per side amp. The difference in terms of driving my speakers is staggering, especially at lower volume. It’s like the house has come to life for the very first time! I have been covering the industry for 25 years and this is the first amp that has generated such an immediate emotional experience in me!
Stereophile October 2024 Issue
September 17, 2024
Stereophile arrived the other day. It was fat, 204 pages, 116 of which are advertisements. Sounds like companies are lining up to spend money with them. What about the content of the mag? I was a bit disappointed to see some B&Ws and SVS’s on review- that were just in British hi-fi news recently. They are sister mags and unfortunately for those…
Bryston Bi-Amp Option
September 14, 2024
I did something and I’m really happy with it! Bi-Amping my Bryston Trim T10 speakers with a Bryston 4B3 on the Bass and a 3B3 on the Mid/Tweets One of the advantages of our new crossover in all our T10 speakers is you can use 1 or 2 or 3 amps or go ‘Active’ at any time simply by swapping out the crossover module…
France Vs UK: A Battle Of Integrated Amps
September 13, 2024
What do you get for your money? Let’s take a look. Atoll of France spends its money where it really matters- in DUAL large transformers and a big load of filter capacitance. By spending money on the heart of the amplifier Atoll delivers a more weighty, muscular and dynamic sound! Further, Atoll runs MATCHED MOSFET output transistors which sound smoother than unmatched…
One Box Comparison
September 12, 2024
The ONE BOX solution can be appealing. That would be… a streaming integrated amp. Let’s take a look at the best candidates. We recommend Atoll from France. These boys deliver much more hearty sound than their wattage ratings would indicate due to massive DUAL transformers and high value power supply caps. The sound is super smooth due to MATCHED output transistors. You…
Bryston Duo Impresses
September 12, 2024
I had a demo of a BR-20/4B3 combination with Sonus Faber speakers with a pal today. We were both absolutely amazed to hear CD quality recordings that actually sounded better than vinyl in an A/B comparison. The salesman quickly noticed on to how impressed we were so I got the full Glen Garry/ Glenn Ross SMS sales bombarment after the demo. The Dutchies know how to close a deal!I think I probably will buy one and the leave the old record collection as a room decoration…
Their Thoughts – My Thoughts
September 11, 2024
Hi-Fi+ is a fun English audio mag to read. They cover Euro gear much more closely than we do so there are many “cottage industry” companies to follow. In the Dec 2021 issue they handed out some awards. Let’s go! Disc Players They like the Gryphon Ethos for a mere $41k. They like the Accuphase for $14k. They’re both beautiful, and I’m…
Dave’s Faves – Atoll SDA300 Streaming Integrated Amp (150×2)
September 9, 2024
Atoll SDA300 Streaming Integrated Amp $5500 (150×2) (3.75h, 17.32w, 12d, 42 lbs) Made in France! With 3 Year Warranty Our best selling integrated amp in 2024 is a no contest, slam dunk winner- Atoll IN300. It runs $4500, has an on board DAC and competes head to head with Macs, Brystons and other top brands for double the price. SDA300 is exactly…
Bryston BR20: Something Missing
September 3, 2024
There’s something missing… I received my Bryston BR20 preamp and have to inform you there’s something missing. The grunge in between notes (all I hear in between in silence). My Goodness! What a wonderful preamp. Kudos to you and the team…
August 30, 2024
Bryston Model Trim T-10, $8000 Per Pair (60h, 10w, 16d, 83lbs, 4 ohms, 91 dB SPL) Just in are Bryston’s gorgeous Trim T-10s in a stunning Boston Cherry (Rosewood-ish) finish. The Trim T-10s use the same BAM module as the Model T-10s ($20k per pair bigger brother). Hence the precision midrange clarity and imaging is the same. The BAM (Bryston Audio Module)…
August 30, 2024
A subwoofer can be a secret weapon. That’s IF you get one that’s NOT too big, fat and boomy. You want one that’s stealth. You don’t want to hear it all the time. It shouldn’t encroach on your R&L main speakers. It just needs to help down low. It needs to be ready to pounce when called upon, but otherwise not be…
August 30, 2024
The topic of DACs is always interesting. Whether stand alone, or built into an integrated amp or preamp, DACs have a lot of influence on the sound of your music and TV. To get cut above performance, you can’t beat beefy, linear power supplies. The DAC chip you use is just the start. It’s actually more important to make sure your DAC…
Bryston MonoBlox In TAS
August 28, 2024
This fully balanced, Class AB amplifier packs 600 watts (8 ohms) into a normal-sized, 42-pound single chassis per hannel.
The previous generation “squared” series improved output-stage performance hereas the newer “cubed” series improves the input stage. The result represents a more refined sound for Bryston overall. The Bryston 7B³’s bass extension and stability during demanding musical passages, coupled with relatively low noise, impart an admirable sense of ease to the presentation. Soundstage depth is in keeping with other solid-state amps at its price level, but width and height are really exceptional…
Bryston’s Headphone Amp Gets Another Rave
August 27, 2024
Bryston’s BHA-1 has proved itself for over a decade and is one battle tested headphone amplifier I wish I had discovered sooner. For the better part of the past three years, almost every headphone that has passed through my hands for review has been tested with the Pass Labs HPA-1 Headphone Amplifier. DACs have come and gone, but this is one headphone amplifier that consistently tells me what every headphone is capable of…
Our Mix: Speakers $8k per pair
August 27, 2024
I view running Audio Emporium like being the GM of a baseball team. We have categories to fill and I try very hard to “beat” other teams with our sage selection, or MIX. When evaluating speakers for about $8k per pair, we need an assortment of speakers that can appeal to virtually any buyer. It’s a fun challenge! And in fact, it…
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