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Audiophile Archives

The Latest, Dave’s Faves, and the AE Newsletter all in one:

Kable Evolution With Kimber Kable

Rewind to the early 1970s. We had no audiophile cables. Let’s start this conversation with speaker cables. We ran 16AWG and that was THAT. I remember talking to Bill Johnson of ARC in my shop in 1977. He was of the opinion that 16AWG was better than 14AWG, because 14AWG sounded more muddled. Bigger Wire Robert Fulton was an early proponent of…

Bryston BP19 Has Another Fan

My Bryston BP-19 is home and all set up. This unit is replacing my BP-25 that I had purchased in 1998. She goes a long way. It has been a great preamp and to the next owner she will shine. Now to the BP-19. I have been listening to music and various genres for about 8 hours now. This new preamp has all what the BP-25 had but after that she offers a lot more. I did not lose any off the low end I loved with the old pre amp I have also gained that punch I love that was not quit there before…

A Warm Power Amp

Atoll MA100, $1600, 100×2 Lots of you reading this have old electronics. You’re leaving performance on the table with an old power amp in particular. Atoll makes my favorite amplifier values in our business. They’re made in their own house, in France, with a three year warranty. It would be wise to consider replacing your old brand X for a host of…

Speaker Landscape

There may be 500 speaker “companies” out there trying to do biz. How can you possibly navigate through the forest to find the right tree? We can help. By understanding how products are built, it’s not as complicated as it might seem on the surface- to find truly exceptional performance for your investment. Vendored Speakers For openers, I’m not interested in vendored…

Ours Vs Theirs

I like to see what my competitors are doing. Let’s check out which speakers the guys across town are pushing. Price Range, Roughly $4000 Per Pair Ours: Bryston A2s, $4000 Per Pair No, there’s no FAKE SALE PRICE. A2s are worth $4k. *Made in Canada, 20 year warranty *Two, 6.5” Pure Aluminum woofers *Two 5.25” Pure Aluminum midrange drivers *Two Titanium tweeters…

North America And Europe

Why would you buy high end speakers made in China?Why would you buy high end electronics made in China? I’m not saying they’re no good. I am saying we need to support gear that’s made in North America or Europe. Let’s support companies that make their own gear, in their own houses, with better warranties. By the way, the N American and…

The Flavor Of Atoll

You can read the intricacies of Atoll Electronique design to learn how they’re built differently and BETTER, than virtually everything else in their price ranges here. THIS discussion goes straight to the SOUND and how the construction pays off for you. The fact is, there are a lot of good speakers out there. We want the best N America and Europe have…

ATOHM G3 Gets Rave!

In my 40 years as an avid audiophile, I have seen about everything there is regarding speaker design. From weirdly shaped enclosures that try to break the laws of physics that govern the rest of the speaker-designing community to simple one-driver designs that take on the full range of musical frequencies with one driver. All speaker designers take different approaches to yield…

Enough Bryston?

Is this a demo room or what…?! Here we have our Norway Distributers Bryston demo system! On demo are the Bryston Model T10 Main speakers with the Model TS10 Sub Towers using the Bryston BAX-1 Electronic crossover, BR-20 Preamp and multiple Bryston amplifiers. The smaller speakers adjacent to the large speakers are the new Bryston Tiny T10’s…


Atoll IN400 Evo Integrated Amp, $7000 (160×2) {5.11h, 17.3w, 14.6d, 43 lbs) Atoll has just updated its flagship integrated amp. IN400 is built like a Mac truck. Don’t worry about the modest power claim. That’s just Atoll being conservatively French. When an amp is built with massive transformers and power supply caps, it produces a much weightier sound than its wattage rating…

Isotek Elektra Mains Conditioner $2000

Isotek introduced mains conditioners about a decade ago that flat out IMPROVED our sound quality. For the first time we heard that a mains conditioner could not only PROTECT, but could actually IMPROVE our sound. We learned that if you DON’T have such a conditioner in your system, you’re losing clarity you can’t get back later in the chain. For those of…


What’s the best way to build a fine music system? We can help you. I was scouring my hi-fi mags the other day. While I enjoy reading about nice audio gear, these guys have gotten flippin’ RIDICULOUS. The disproportionate attention paid to absurdly priced gear is flat out insulting. They regularly review preamps and power amps for $25-100k. They write routinely about…

Tidal & MQA, updated News!

As many of you know, as of July, 2024, Tidal no longer supports MQA. They have moved to FLAC 16/44.1 and higher file formats as well as Dolby ATMOS. If you have noticed, when you are streaming Tidal, most of what you’re getting is CD quality streams. Bluesound has provided for this change in their version 4 software as of 4 -6…

Our Mix: Stand Mount Speakers

I view running Audio Emporium like being the GM of a baseball team. We have categories to fill and I try very hard to “beat” other teams with our sage selection, or MIX. When evaluating STAND MOUNT speakers, there are specific considerations. It’s a fun challenge. Let’s dive in! I’m not interested in what’s built in China. Screw ‘em. During Covid, N…

Atoll 200s

Atoll of France makes my favorite affordable integrated amps and separates. They make them in France, not China, with a three year warranty! This entry is to highlight two class shattering components, the Atoll PR200 preamp and AM200 power amp. I’ll also bring in a matching CD player with accessible DAC to round out the system package. These components are built to…