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Audiophile Archives

The Latest, Dave’s Faves, and the AE Newsletter all in one:

A Mac Stack, Go A Little Crazy!

Sometimes its fun to spoil yourself. Consider treating yourself to a great hi-fi experience that really hits the bell on the fun quotient. It sounds great. It looks cool. And while we won’t live forever, someone else is going to remember you when they have this awesome stack of McIntosh for about $24k! McIntosh XR-100 Speakers McIntosh MA-352 Integrated Amp McIntosh MCD-350…

Hegel H190


Hegel H190 Integrated Amp, $4000 (150×2)   Hegel has just spiffed up its mid line integrated amp. H190 has the same power as its predecessor, but now has double the damping factor. Double the damping factor means more grip. H190 can get your speakers to start and stop faster. Double the damping factor means increased dynamic range, yielding the most noticeable improvement…

Blusound Node 2i


Bluesound Node 2, $500: MQA and CD Streamer     If you have not bought a Node 2 from us yet, you need to stop by – or order one on the phone! 414-354-5082 Bluesound is part of the NAD family. They didn’t ask my opinion but, I would have said, call it NAD Node 2 so everyone will know it’s from…

Dave’s Faves – MoFi UltraDeck Plus

Mofi Ultradeck plus promo price $2000 MoFi UltraDeck Plus Turntable With MasterTracker Cartridge: $3000 If you have a top flight record collection you should consider MoFi’s new UltraDeck+M. MoFi tables and cartridges are designed by a team that includes Allen Perkins of Spiral Groove. The Spiral Groove SG 1.2 runs $36k and is considered as good as any turntable at any price….

MQA And Bluesound

Master Quality Authenticated. It is a method of getting music to you in STATE OF THE ART quality. We have it NOW! We have the Bluesound Node 2i ($500) which decodes MQA.This is your “machine.”You subscribe to Tidal for $20 per month. You’re good to go. What Is MQA? MQA is a delivery system for music. Music Origami.The music is streamed FOLDED…


We Welcome Hegel’s New H90 Integrated Amp $2000 (60×2) 3 1/8h, 16 7.8w, 12 1/4d, 27 lbs   Hegel Audio of Oslo, Norway, brought out its H80 integrated amp ($2k) in 2013. H80 has been a defacto price class leader since its inception. Here we are four years later and H80 has been superseded by the new H90. We’re happy that H90…

Bryston Headphone Amp Wins Again!

Happy to report that our Bryston BHA-1 Headphone amplifier has won Best of the Year Award from Secrets of Home Theater Magazine. The Bryston BHA-1 is an impeccably designed and solidly built amplification device for speakers that you just happen to wear on your head. It has a fastidiously clean and neutral sound quality with an abundance of power and connectivity options that will allow almost any headphone to shine on its own merits. If you are in the market for a top-class headphone amplifier and don’t need a built in DAC, you really cannot go wrong with choose the BHA-1. Highly recommend!

Isotek Mains Conditioners Purify!

I want you to buy an Isotek Mains Conditioner from us. Isotek will make your music sound clearer and protect you from line spikes. Mostly, Isotek will IMPROVE YOUR SOUND. You read that correctly. It’s a promise. Isotek Conditioners isolate EACH product in the bar. Unlike the “other guys”- Isotek isolates EACH outlet. There is no cross contamination from connected components. The…

Behind the blue: The making of McIntosh’s iconic amplifiers

McIntosh make one of the most legendary amplifiers in high-end audio, used by The Grateful Dead and James Murphy alike. In the latest of their behind-the-scenes factory tours, they visit their famous Laboratory to see how the blue-panelled icons are made. Check it out!

Bryston 4B Cubed Dubbed Reference Status

The Soundstage editors and staff have announced the new Bryston 4B Cubed stereo amplifier has attained SOUNDSTAGE Hi-Fi Reference Component status! Described its sound as “virtually faultless,” praised its “ability to drive just about any speaker with ease,” and declared that it “may well be the best value today in a high-end, high-powered, solid-state amplifier. If I were in the market for a new amp, I’d buy the Bryston 4B3 without hesitation.”


New Entry On Our Site: ABC’s It’s up near the top, called ABC’s. It is a short list of my recommendations on how to assemble a dynamite system. It approaches the task from the beginning, with the Milwaukee credo of getting a dollar’s worth of performance for each dollar spent. Print it out. Highlight. Visit to discuss/audition! Mobile Fidelity UltraDeck+ $2000 MoFi…

What Do I Need In A Stereo Preamp?

1) Balanced & RCA Inputs & Outputs Yep, I might run a CD player or DAC with BALANCED outs. I WILL run a power amp that has BALANCED ins for sure. I need balanced ins & outs for sure. Further, these can’t be CONVERTED. They cannot be XLR inputs without a true, dual rail balanced design in the preamp circuitry. It’s gotta…

Killer Affordable Phono Preamp!

I’m a music lover. I want the music I want, by the performer I want. Sometimes you get the music by streaming, a silver disc, or a black vinyl disc. The format is in service to the music. An example of when I play vinyl is, a box set of Claudio Arrau playing Schumann. The Philips box set has nine discs =…

Mobile Fidelity Turntables NOW IN STOCK!

MoFi Electronics turntables stand out for their commitment to audiophile-grade performance, utilizing custom-designed parts like high-precision bearings, ultra-stable inert platters, isolated motors and custom anti-vibration feet. Engineered in collaboration with industry expert Allen Perkins of Spiral Groove who brought along decades of experience in turntable and tonearm design, our turntables provide uncompromising playback of your vinyl collection and maintain the high standards…

Reviewer Loves Bryston 14B Cubed!

A superb review of our new 14B Cubed amplifier in Everything Audio magazine. The ‘STELLAR SOUND AWARD’ is not given lightly. “In our opinion, the new Bryston 14B3 Cube stereo amplifier is most certainly an Everything Audio Network Stellar Sound Award winner and a candidate for AMP OF THE YEAR.”

Mobile Fidelity Turntables

Just IN! Mobile Fidelity StudioDeck Turntable With StudioTracker Cartridge $1350 I’ll bet you vinyl lovers know the name Mobile Fidelity. MoFi made state of the art LPsback in the day. MoFi continues to make AND distribute the best vinyl our industry has seen. It has been a goal of MoFi to come out with its own line of turntables & cartridges. They…