Bryston T10 speaker review
- Atohm GT-3
- Atohm GT-2
- Atohm GT-1
- Atoll Power Amps
- Atoll IN400 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN300 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN200 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN100 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN80 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN50 Integrated Amp
- Atoll PR300 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll PR200 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll SDA300 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll SDA200 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll CD Players
- Atoll CD200 CD Player
- Atoll CD100 CD Player
- Atoll CD80 CD Player
- Atoll CD50 CD Player
- Atoll MD100 CD Player
- Atoll Power Amps For Theater
- Atoll PH100 Phono Preamp
- Axiom M-60
- Axiom M-50
- Axiom M5
- Axiom M3
- Axiom M2
- Black Velvet Interconnects
- Bluesound Node 2024
- Bryston BR-20 Preamp/DAC
- Bryston BP19 Analog Preamp
- Bryston BCD-3, CD Player $4500
- Bryston 4B-SST3
- Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp
- Bryston Model T-10 Speaker
- Bryston Model Trim T-10
- Bryston Model T
- Bryston Middle T
- Bryston Mini T
- Bryston A1
- Bryston A2
- Bryston A3
- Bryston Tiny A
- Bryston Mini A
- Grado RS 1x Headphones
- Hegel V10 Phono Preamp
- Isotek Elektra V5 Mains Conditioner
- Isotek Corvus V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Polaris V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Premier Power Cable
- Isotek Initium Power Cable
- JL Audio Fathom F112v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio Fathom F110v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio E-112
- JL Audio D-110 Subwoofers
- JL Audio E-110 Subwoofers
- Kimber Kable Carbon Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable 8 Pair Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable Carbon Interconnect
- Kimber Kable Tonik Interconnects
- Kimber Kable Hero Interconnects
- Klipsch LaScala AL5 Speakers
- Klipsch Cornwall IV
- Klipsch Forte 4 Speakers
- Klipsch Heresy IV Speakers
- Magnepan MG-20.7
- Magnepan MG 2.7i
- Magnepan MG-1.7i
- Magnepan MG – .7
- Marantz AV7706 Preamp/Processor
- Marantz MM7055 5 Ch Power Amp
- Marantz SACD-30n CD Player
- Marantz Cinema 70s
- MoFi UltraDeck Plus
- MoFi StudioPhono
- MoFi UltraGold MC Phono Cartridge
- MoFi UltraPhono
- Mytek Liberty 2 DAC
- Ortofon MC Quintet Black S
- Ortofon MC Quintet Blue Cartridge
- Ortofon Bronze MM Cartridge
- Ortofon Blue MM Cartridge
- Rega Planar 3 Turntable
- Rega Planar 2 Turntable
- Rega Planar 1 Turntable
- Rogue RP-5 v2 Tube Preamp
- Rogue RP-1 Stereo Preaamp
Audiophile Archives
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Atoll IN400 Versus…
December 13, 2024
I don’t use the term STATE OF THE ART much. There are many companies that are trying to shoot the moon as they hunt for elephants. With them in the mix, companies that make great gear that people can actually afford… might not qualify for the elitist term SOTA. Atoll appeals to audiophiles who want to get a dollar’s worth of performance…
Atohm GT-1 Speaker
December 10, 2024
Atohm GT-1 Stand Mount Speakers, $4500 per, pair (13h, 7.87w, 10.43d, 27 lbs, 89dB SPL, 6 ohms) 6” 2-way in Gloss Walnut, Gloss Piano Black, Gloss Piano White Made in France: 7 year warranty! Atohm speakers are indeed, actually MADE in France. Designer Thierry Comte has created a line of speakers that check some very special boxes. Let’s start here with GT-1,…
Bryston In Singapore
December 7, 2024
I heard this system at Jensen Audio In Singapore with T10 Speakers and Bryston amplification. The Bryston speakers are indeed INCREDIBLE !!! This is the only system I have heard so far that sounds complete, accurate, and life-like… like being at the event where the song was recorded. It has the most lifelike realistic bass I ever heard.
Speaker Shootout $2k
December 5, 2024
Two grand per pair is a popular price point for speakers. My favorite speakers in that range are the Axiom M60 towers. They’re built like a tank in Canada. In early 2024 I decided to boot out all of our Chinese speakers, along with almost all of our Chinese electronics. There are a few low price points in electronics where we have…
November 30, 2024
Axiom M-50 Tower, $1400 Per Pair {35.5h, 9.25w, 13d, 39 lbs, 94 dB SPL, 8 ohms, 10-200 w/ch} Two 6.5” Aluminum Woofers, One Titanium Tweeter Bryston contracted Axiom to build its speakers over a decade ago. The project was a tremendous success and the companies merged. The resulting company is simply called Bryston. Bryston is using the Axiom banner to bring speakers…
Product Highlight – Atoll PR200 Stereo Preamp
November 27, 2024
Atoll PR200 Stereo Preamp, $1600 Before diving into reading about the over performing PR200, please take a moment to read about Atoll’s perspicacious AM200 power amp Product Highlight. PR200 was its mate throughout our testing and is a perfect match. It’s our favorite affordable preamp because it does so much, so well. For many years the snooty audio mags have been complaining…
Product Highlight – Atoll AM200 Power Amp
November 27, 2024
Atoll AM200 Power Amp, $2300, 120×2 Atoll power amplifiers are simply remarkable. They mate big power with class busting warmth. Whether you’re a fan of Tchaikovsky or Led Zeppelin, there’s an Atoll power amp with your name on it. Despite being in the audio biz since the early 70s, I’ve never seen this stellar combination of talents at these price points. It’s…
Canadian Dealers Enjoying Bryston Speakers Too
November 26, 2024
Just a note to say that the new Bryston T10 series speakers are brilliant. We’ve so far received the Trim T10 and Middle T10 and they are an absolute joy. Driven by our 7B Cubed mono’s … the T10s image with precision, hit the bass notes with the vigor of an iron fist and are very poised on the top end. Also the fit and finish radiates excellence and high value. We’re having lots of fun with these beauties!
Atoll 80s
November 22, 2024
Atoll of France makes my favorite affordable integrated amps and CD players. They make them in France, not China, with a three year warranty! This entry is to highlight two price busting products from Atoll’s 80s menu. IN80 Integrated Amp, $1700 (80×2) IN80, like all Atoll amps, uses a dual mono power supply. To hit this price point IN80 runs a single…
Atoll 50s
November 22, 2024
Atoll of France makes my favorite affordable integrated amps and CD players. They make them in France, not China, with a three year warranty! This entry is to highlight what I think is the best integrated amp at anywhere near a grand, along with a GREAT companion silver disc player. IN50 Integrated Amp, $1200 (50×2) A thousand bucks in an integrated amp…
Product Highlight – Atoll MD100 CD Player
November 22, 2024
Atoll MD100 CD Player, $900 {3 1/4h, 12 5/8w, 8 1/8d, Black or Silver} I’m an unabashed proponent of the CD format. I’m happy to tell you that you can get a warm sounding player, a true cut above the masses, for under $1k. I like having a CD in my hand. The sound of CD is more tactile and intimate than…
Product Highlight – Magnepan MG .7
November 22, 2024
Magnepan MG .7, $2000 Per Pair {54.25h, 15.25w, 1.25d, 86dB SPL, 4 ohms} The most interesting man in the world may drink Dos Equis, but the most interesting speakers in the world come from White Bear Lake, Mn. Before getting specifically to the Maggie MG .7 speakers, permit me to lay some important ground work. Magneplanar Vs Quasi Technology Magnepan of Minnesota…
Product Highlight – Two Pans
November 21, 2024
Two Pans Magnepan of Minnesota makes some of the most innovative speakers on the planet. They do so many things, so well, that if you’re a fan of singers and acoustic instruments, you owe it to yourself to give them a listen. You may find they bring you closer to the music you cherish. Magneplanar technology started in 1968. Skinny piano wires…
Product Highlight – Atohm GT-2 Speakers
November 21, 2024
Atohm GT-2 Speakers, $7500 Per Pair {42.7h, 7.87w, 10.43d, 58 lbs, 90dB SPL, 6 ohms} Atohm of France makes GORGEOUS, smallish speakers that do what the Europeans do well, and yet surpass the Euros in what they DON’T typically do well. Since the 1970s there have been dozens and dozens of Euro speakers, designed for Euro spaces, that sound musical and inoffensive….
Great Array Of Mini Monitors
November 19, 2024
At Audio Emporium we have loads of great speakers. We cover all the bases from small to tall. We have have speakers of enormous power. Yet everyone doesn’t need those. This entry will be about smallish (not tiny) stand mount speakers. If you don’t need big and bombastic, consider one of these transducers to float your musical boat. I’ll start by saying…
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