Ortofon Bronze MM Cartridge $440 Best Bang For Your Buck! There are zillions of cartridge choices out there. Which cart, out of all of them, hits the point of diminishing returns? I’m here to tell you, it’s the Ortofon Bronze 2M Moving Magnet cartridge. It will give you the biggest slice of very high end vinyl at an attainable price point. Why?…
- Atohm GT-3
- Atohm GT-2
- Atohm GT-1
- Atoll Power Amps
- Atoll IN400 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN300 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN200 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN100 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN80 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN50 Integrated Amp
- Atoll PR300 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll PR200 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll SDA300 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll SDA200 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll CD Players
- Atoll CD200 CD Player
- Atoll CD100 CD Player
- Atoll CD80 CD Player
- Atoll CD50 CD Player
- Atoll MD100 CD Player
- Atoll Power Amps For Theater
- Atoll PH100 Phono Preamp
- Axiom M-60
- Axiom M-50
- Axiom M5
- Axiom M3
- Axiom M2
- Black Velvet Interconnects
- Bluesound Node 2024
- Bryston BR-20 Preamp/DAC
- Bryston BP19 Analog Preamp
- Bryston BCD-3, CD Player $4500
- Bryston 4B-SST3
- Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp
- Bryston Model T-10 Speaker
- Bryston Model Trim T-10
- Bryston Model T
- Bryston Middle T
- Bryston Mini T
- Bryston A1
- Bryston A2
- Bryston A3
- Bryston Tiny A
- Bryston Mini A
- Grado RS 1x Headphones
- Hegel V10 Phono Preamp
- Isotek Elektra V5 Mains Conditioner
- Isotek Corvus V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Polaris V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Premier Power Cable
- Isotek Initium Power Cable
- JL Audio Fathom F112v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio Fathom F110v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio E-112
- JL Audio D-110 Subwoofers
- JL Audio E-110 Subwoofers
- Kimber Kable Carbon Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable 8 Pair Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable Carbon Interconnect
- Kimber Kable Tonik Interconnects
- Kimber Kable Hero Interconnects
- Klipsch LaScala AL5 Speakers
- Klipsch Cornwall IV
- Klipsch Forte 4 Speakers
- Klipsch Heresy IV Speakers
- Magnepan MG-20.7
- Magnepan MG 2.7i
- Magnepan MG-1.7i
- Magnepan MG – .7
- Marantz AV7706 Preamp/Processor
- Marantz MM7055 5 Ch Power Amp
- Marantz SACD-30n CD Player
- Marantz Cinema 70s
- MoFi UltraDeck Plus
- MoFi StudioPhono
- MoFi UltraGold MC Phono Cartridge
- MoFi UltraPhono
- Mytek Liberty 2 DAC
- Ortofon MC Quintet Black S
- Ortofon MC Quintet Blue Cartridge
- Ortofon Bronze MM Cartridge
- Ortofon Blue MM Cartridge
- Rega Planar 3 Turntable
- Rega Planar 2 Turntable
- Rega Planar 1 Turntable
- Rogue RP-5 v2 Tube Preamp
- Rogue RP-1 Stereo Preaamp
Audiophile Archives
The Latest, Dave’s Faves, and the AE Newsletter all in one:
July 31, 2019
JL Audio Subwoofers Now In! JL has become an ever larger player in the world of SERIOUS home audio subwoofers. I’ve decided to dive in! If you’re looking for an uber spectacular sub that’s built like a brick out house, get out of the way and let ‘er rip for JL. JL subs are all made in Miramar, Florida. When you read…
Don’t Forget Silver Discs!
July 16, 2019
Streaming is lots of fun. The option to choose a song with a light touch of your tablet is pretty tempting. We are so spoiled! Yet for those of us who listen to entire works, or ALBUMS (can you imagine?!), please don’t lose track of your silver discs. That would include Red Book CD, and of course SACD. I for one, still…
July 3, 2019
Klipsch RF-7 III $3600 Per Pair (49h, 13 7/8w, 17 7/8d, 97lbs, 100dB SPL) Klipsch’s RF-7 is now here. Made in Hope, Arkansas, RF-7 is a big tower. SO WHAT?! If you want your music to hit big and hard, you need major league muscle. RF-7 doesn’t apologize for being a sizable tower. RF-7 uses a new 1.75” Titanium Horn Tweeter. It…
May 31, 2019
Marantz AV-8805 Preamp Processor $4500 Every top flight surround system is “bottle necked” by the preamp/processor you choose. The task of a pre/pro is enormously complex. The truth is, you need a large Asian manufacturer that has the technology DOWN COLD to make a piece you want- both in terms of current features and high end sound quality. All of the N…
Klipsch LaScala British Hi-Fi Review Comments
May 18, 2019
“The speaker’s upper cabinet contains the new tweeter, which sports a lightweight polyimide diaphragm loaded by Klipsch’s Tractrix horn.” Like no other. “This is a striking sounding design, in an almost entirely positive way. It’s the aural equivalent of a bright, fresh autumn morning with an azure-blue sky and a chill in the air through which the sunshine blazes a path. Listening…
April 30, 2019
Obstacles! You readers don’t know how hard it is to sort through all the great hi-fi gear these days. There are numerous obstacles in my way. Glenn just came into my office and proclaimed- “You won’t believe what I just found!” I’m thinking, he found a Mac MR78 in mint condition, or a pair of Maggie Tympani 1-Ds that don’t need to…
Stereophile Magazine Surprises
April 25, 2019
I admit, I chide magazines like Stereophile & The Absolute Sound. There’s no doubt the writers are smart guys that love the hobby. But their perspective on price/performance doesn’t correlate with ours- the readers. The magazines don’t buy products to audition. Products are loaned. All you have to do is read a review or two to see how out of touch these…
April 2, 2019
Bob Carver Crimson 275 Power Amp: $2750 (75×2, 7h, 14w, 9.5d, 19 lbs) The new Bob Carver Crimson 275 tube power amp is now here! It is made in the state of Washington. It has a five year warranty which includes the tubes themselves! Who else warranties tubes for more than a few months? Crimson 275 sounds almost exactly how you would…
Bjorn Erik Edvardsen: RIP (1945-2018)
March 5, 2019
BEE of NAD has died after being with the company 46 years. What a run! BEE was born in Norway and gets significant credit for changing the face of affordable audio gear. After stints at Dolby Labs and AR, BEE helped kick start a new audio company, NAD, in England in1972. In 1978 BEE designed the iconic NAD 3020 integrated amplifier. It…
February 28, 2019
NAD C275BEE Power Amp $1300 (150×2, 6h, 17 1/8w, 15d, 33 lbs) This fantastic power amp has been back ordered for months. With the array of great gear NAD makes, this CLASSIC SERIES two channel, class AB power amp sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. They have spent their resources making other “more hip” products and have just caught up on C275BEE….
Dave’s Faves – Klipsch LaScala AL5 Speakers
January 12, 2019
Klipsch LaScala AL5 Speakers, $13,200 per pair (40h, 24.25w, 25.25d, 201 lbs, 105dB SPL) To me, the most iconic loudspeaker from the early days of STEREO is the Klipsch LaScala. It is fabulously gorgeous! It makes a proud statement in your room that you love music and DEMAND to make space for it in your life. It has just been updated to…
December 29, 2018
NAD C658 Preamp/Streamer/DAC $1500 Due by Jan 7 is NAD’s new Swiss Army Knife which I predict will REDEFINE the preamp product category. It does so much, so well, that we just have to shake our heads at how lucky we are to be audio addicts in 2019! Here we go- hold on tight! It’s a stereo preamp with cutting edge…
December 1, 2018
Brand New! GoldenEar Triton Reference 1.R $6000 Per Pair, (54h, 8w, 16 5/8d, 92dB SPL) We are very excited to share that GoldenEar has just introduced a second speaker to its Reference Series. Triton Reference 1.R has just arrived! T 1.R is the same size as the classic Triton 1. But T 1.R has the improved components of its bigger brother, GoldenEar’s…
McIntosh Integrated Amps (& One Receiver)
November 13, 2018
McIntosh doesn’t allow us to post prices. This doesn’t make any sense, but that’s their edict. Just Google a review of a given product to find its price. With so many customers buying the Bluesound Node ($550) from us these days as their streaming source that supports CD and MQA level sound through Tidal, integrated amps make great sense to interface to…
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