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Audiophile Archives

The Latest, Dave’s Faves, and the AE Newsletter all in one:


Peachtree Integrated Amplifiers & Power Amp Peachtree is back in Da House! Peachtree has made significant upgrades in its products over the years that float my boat- so I’m back on board. First and foremost is, PT offers tons more power than anybody else for a given buck. There are precious few speakers that won’t benefit from more power! The products are…

Dave’s Faves – Kimber Kable Tonik Interconnects

Kimber Kable Tonik Interconnects .5m $96, 1m $108, 1.5m $120, 2m $132 While Kimber is known primarily for very high end cables like the new Carbon interconnects, don’t forget about the best value at the other end of the price scale, the affordable Kimber Tonik interconnects. Tonik begins life as a three wire, Varistrand, braided geometry, interlink cable. With high purity copper…


Wharfedale Speakers Wharfedale is among the most venerable English speaker brands, founded in 1932. Wharfedale is known for making affordable speakers with uncommon technology. Wharfedale sweats the details to create a more refined mouse trap. Consider driver materials, cabinet construction and damping, unique porting techniques… We think they’re making the best inexpensive speakers out there now. For example, Wharfedale has unique venting…

Dave’s Faves – Magnepan MG-20.7

Magnepan MG-20.7 $22,000 Per Pair (79h, 29w,2d) In the great wide history of audiophile speakers, MG-20.7 earns a spot in the apotheosis of the hall of fame. No matter what your particular taste is in speakers, horns/stats/subs, it is impossible to not love the 20.7, even if it isn’t the one YOU buy. When the Magneplanar technology arrived in 1969, it was…

Dave’s Faves – Isotek Premier Power Cable

Isotek Premier Power Cable $295 1.5m = 58.5 Inches (not available in custom lengths) We have been beating the drum hard for Isotek since we learned about it in 2015. Never before had I heard power components that IMPROVED your sound quality. We knew we needed surge protectors to save us from brown outs & storm spikes. But until 2015 I wasn’t…

Klipsch Cornwall 4 $6000 Per Pair

Klipsch Cornwall 4 $6000 Per Pair (38h, 25.3w, 15.5d, 100lbs) If you’re thinking about updating your speakers to something wayyyy fun, you might want to check out the new Cornwall 4 speakers! Let me spell out what I mean by wayyyy fun. I mean, BIG fun. As in, you want music big and BOLD. Make room for the Cornwalls because music is…

MoFi UltraDeck+M

MoFi UltraDeck+M: Turntable With MasterTracker Cartridge: $2500 If you have a top flight record collection you should consider MoFi’s new UltraDeck+. MoFi tables and cartridges are designed by a team that includes Allen Perkins of Spiral Groove. The Spiral Groove SG 1.2 runs $36k and is considered as good as any turntable at any price. UltraDeck+ is exactly what you would expect,…

Kimber Carbon Speaker & Interconnect Cables

At Audio Emporium we’re all about the point of diminishing returns. State of the art is invariably UBER priced. We try to attain EDGE of the art performance for affordable money. We would like to get close to the best performance, at significantly less dinero. Kimber has hit the nail on the head with its new Carbon speaker and interconnect cables! Ray…

Dave’s Faves – Kimber Kable Carbon Speaker Cable

Carbon Speaker Cables Carbon 8: 1m $880pr, 2m $1320pr, 3m $1760pr, 4m $2200pr, 5m $2640pr Carbon 16: 1m $1640pr, 2m $2520pr, 3m $3400pr, 4m $4280pr, 5m $5160pr Carbon 18XL: 1m $2900pr, 2m $4000pr, 3m $5100pr, 4m $6200pr, 5m $7300pr Kimber recently introduced my favorite interconnect cable for the money, the Kimber Carbon.While more than entry level coin ($510 .5m) the Carbon performs…

Speaker Set Up

Audiophiles rage on this debate till all hours on the Internet. Let’s go! Room Treatment Yep. Number one, if you don’t treat your walls with some absorbing materials, the sound will bounce around like a gymnasium. I’m not intending to get into esoteric and expensive solutions here. Those certainly abound. I’m recommending you at least PAY ATTENTION to the problem and deal…


McIntosh MA-352 Integrated Amp $6500 (200×2) 12.9h, 22.7w, 21.9d, 66 lbs Just out is this gorgeous hybrid integrated. With 200×2 of solid state power, MA-352 will drive any speaker out there. Yep, it has gorgeous blue meters too! With a four tube preamp design MA-352 is a full analog piece. It features two XLR inputs along with MM phono and 3 sets…

What Isotek Polaris Sounds Like

Isotek Polaris Mains Conditioner $500 The price includes one Initium, which is a high end power cable that connects Polaris to the wall. You can buy additional Initiums for $100 each. They should replace the cheapy black cables that came with your nice hi-fi gear. Polaris has been on the market now for several years and has earned a reputation for improving…


Marantz NR-1200 Stereo Receiver $600 (75×2) 4.1h, 17.3w, 14.9d Why should you be excited by a new STEREO receiver? You should consider NR-1200 because it’s MUCH more more than a garden variety receiver. Let’s start with, NR-1200 an honest 75×2 into 8 ohms. Yep, 75×2, 20-20k at .08% THD. We’re not saying this is state of the art. But most stereo receivers…

JL Audio: A Pair Of E-112s !

JL Audio of Florida builds UBER serious subwoofers. For two channel listening, JL emphatically encourages a PAIR of subwoofers to balance your room with bass. How about a pair of E-112s?! E-112 $2500 Each (16.23h, 15.5w, 18.39d, 74 lbs, 1500w amp) E-112 has a driver like you’ve never seen before. Note the double spider design.Please also note the front metal baffle the…

Dave’s Faves – JL Audio E-112

Dave’s Faves – JL Audio E-112 Subwoofer $2500 (16.23h, 15.5w, 18.39d, 74 lbs, Black Ash) I must admit I’m typically not Mr. Subwoofer. I’m a 2CH guy and getting woofs to dovetail with “wing” speakers is easier said than done for a fussy audiophile. Guilty as charged! I change speakers a lot at home because it’s a gas and I want to…

Dave’s Faves – Kimber Kable Carbon Interconnect

Kimber Kable Carbon Interconnect .5m $510, 1m $620, 2m $840 Brand new, and performance breaking for me, is the Kimber Carbon Interconnect cable. For its price point, Carbon shatters the glass ceiling of dynamic range performance most noticeably! It sounds like you added more power to your system, which you did NOT. Along with improved dynamic range, you’ll hear deeper, tauter bass…