Isotek Initium Power Cable $175 1.5m = 58.5 Inches (not available in custom lengths) We have been beating the drum hard for Isotek since we learned about it in 2015. Never before had I heard power components that IMPROVED your sound quality. We knew we needed surge protectors to save us from brown outs & storm spikes. But until 2015 I wasn’t…
- Atohm GT-3
- Atohm GT-2
- Atohm GT-1
- Atoll Power Amps
- Atoll IN400 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN300 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN200 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN100 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN80 Integrated Amp
- Atoll IN50 Integrated Amp
- Atoll PR300 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll PR200 Stereo Preamp
- Atoll SDA300 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll SDA200 Streaming Integrated Amp
- Atoll CD Players
- Atoll CD200 CD Player
- Atoll CD100 CD Player
- Atoll CD80 CD Player
- Atoll CD50 CD Player
- Atoll MD100 CD Player
- Atoll Power Amps For Theater
- Atoll PH100 Phono Preamp
- Axiom M-60
- Axiom M-50
- Axiom M5
- Axiom M3
- Axiom M2
- Black Velvet Interconnects
- Bluesound Node 2024
- Bryston BR-20 Preamp/DAC
- Bryston BP19 Analog Preamp
- Bryston BCD-3, CD Player $4500
- Bryston 4B-SST3
- Bryston BHA-1 Headphone Amp
- Bryston Model T-10 Speaker
- Bryston Model Trim T-10
- Bryston Model T
- Bryston Middle T
- Bryston Mini T
- Bryston A1
- Bryston A2
- Bryston A3
- Bryston Tiny A
- Bryston Mini A
- Grado RS 1x Headphones
- Hegel V10 Phono Preamp
- Isotek Elektra V5 Mains Conditioner
- Isotek Corvus V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Polaris V5 Power Bar
- Isotek Premier Power Cable
- Isotek Initium Power Cable
- JL Audio Fathom F112v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio Fathom F110v2 Subwoofer
- JL Audio E-112
- JL Audio D-110 Subwoofers
- JL Audio E-110 Subwoofers
- Kimber Kable Carbon Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable 8 Pair Speaker Cable
- Kimber Kable Carbon Interconnect
- Kimber Kable Tonik Interconnects
- Kimber Kable Hero Interconnects
- Klipsch LaScala AL5 Speakers
- Klipsch Cornwall IV
- Klipsch Forte 4 Speakers
- Klipsch Heresy IV Speakers
- Magnepan MG-20.7
- Magnepan MG 2.7i
- Magnepan MG-1.7i
- Magnepan MG – .7
- Marantz AV7706 Preamp/Processor
- Marantz MM7055 5 Ch Power Amp
- Marantz SACD-30n CD Player
- Marantz Cinema 70s
- MoFi UltraDeck Plus
- MoFi StudioPhono
- MoFi UltraGold MC Phono Cartridge
- MoFi UltraPhono
- Mytek Liberty 2 DAC
- Ortofon MC Quintet Black S
- Ortofon MC Quintet Blue Cartridge
- Ortofon Bronze MM Cartridge
- Ortofon Blue MM Cartridge
- Rega Planar 3 Turntable
- Rega Planar 2 Turntable
- Rega Planar 1 Turntable
- Rogue RP-5 v2 Tube Preamp
- Rogue RP-1 Stereo Preaamp
Audiophile Archives
The Latest, Dave’s Faves, and the AE Newsletter all in one:
October 1, 2020
NAD C-298 Power Amp: $2000 (185×2 or 620w monoblock) NAD has launched a new power amp with updated technology. NAD’s Hybrid Digital amps have been better than other D designs for a host of reasons, not the least of which is its use of an analog power supply. C-298 is a cut above in that it will use NAD’s new Purifi Eigentakt…
Bryston Mini T Speakers Back In Stock!
September 9, 2020
Bryston Mini T Speakers: $4075 Per Pair (22.5h, 10.5w, 10d, 42 lbs, Black Ash, Boston Cherry or Walnut)Matching Stands, 20.5” High: $600 Per Pair C-19 has delayed the delivery of many products. Bryston’s Mini T has been on back order since early in the year. The dam has just broken and we’ve gotten a few pairs in black. If you’ve never heard…
September 1, 2020
Hegel H95 Integrated Amp $2000 (60×2) (3.94h, 16.93w, 13.78d) Hegel Music Systems will be shipping its new entry level integrated any day. Employing Hegel’s SoundEngine 2 circuitry, H95 will be able to drive the vast majority of speakers out there. While I haven’t heard H95 yet, the amp section is an upgrade to H90, its predecessor. That means H95 will be a…
Dave’s Faves – Bryston Mini A
August 25, 2020
15.5h, 8.5w, 8.25d, 12 lbs, 87dB, 4 ohms To get more background on Bryston speakers please take a minute to read “Bryston Speakers”. The background story and speaker technology is described there. This entry is specific to the Mini A. The warranty on all Bryston speakers is 20 years! Mini A: 3-Way Design Bryston’s Mini A is a special mini as it…
August 1, 2020
Wharfedale Elysian 4 Speakers $9995 Per Pair Luscious Walnut, Piano Black, Piano White (46.8h, 15.8w, 17d, 100 lbs ea, 92 dB SPL) Wharfedale is about to ship its stunningly gorgeous flagship speaker- Elysian 4. Elysian means blissful. It’s gotta be great- right?! E-4 is a beautiful BATTLESHIP that provides an enormously lifelike size & quality image. Built like a musical instrument instead…
Bryston Speakers Back In Stock!
July 23, 2020
C-19 has been brutal on many of our manufacturers. Supply has been sparse on a lot of inventory, most notably Bryston speakers. You know, the speakers that have a 20 year warranty and sound GREAT! We’ve just gotten our first shipment of Brystons since March. This first batch includes some of our best sellers. Mini A. A3. And A2. Just to remind…
First In Line
July 22, 2020
As you plan your music system, which product is the FIRST IN LINE? Yep, the Mains Conditioner. If you do NOT have a major league mains conditioner at the head of your system, you’re leaving dynamics and definition on the table. Even if you have $100k worth of great gear… without a great mains conditioner, you’ve already lost the battle for resolution….
JL Audio E-112 Subwoofer
July 18, 2020
JL Audio E-112 Subwoofer: $2500 Piano Black, $2300 Black Ash When You’re Done Putzing Around! I’ve written effusively about JL Audio subwoofers on several sections of our site. I won’t take the time to rehash JL from square one here. What I will do is make an effort to be sure the MIGHTY JL Audio E-112 is not lost in the shuffle….
June 30, 2020
Wharfedale Diamond 11.4 Promo $1000 Per Pair, Black Regular Price $1200 Per Pair (39.4h, 8.84w, 12.8d, 54 lbs ea, 91 dB SPL) Wharfedale has just shipped its fanny kicking, affordable tower. With promo price of $1000 per pair, Diamond 11.4 offers more than just thunder. For openers, D 11.4 is a legit 3-way. There are sneaky guys out there who shove three…
Ortofon Quintet Blue Moving Coil Cartridge
June 25, 2020
Ortofon Quintet Blue Moving Coil Cartridge $569 I heard you’re looking for an upgrade in a phono cartridge. Your phono preamp has MC as an option, so your choices are wide and far. Low output moving coil carts, when done correctly, can indeed provide dynamics/detail superior to Mms. Done correctly isn’t a given- but with Ortofon, it is. If you can swing…
A Very Classy Small Tower
June 25, 2020
Byston A3 $3290 Per Pair {37.5h, 9.25w, 15d, 53 lbs, 87 SPL, 6 ohms} Walnut, Black Ash, Boston Cherry Bryston’s A3 is the FIRST great tower speaker. I say FIRST, because anything less than it, just doesn’t have the testosterone, smoothness or reliability of Bryston. Bryston’s warranty is 20 years! Bryston A3 is designed and built in Bryston’s own factory in Canada….
Why You Need A JL Audio E-110 Subwoofer
June 23, 2020
Why You Need A JL Audio E-110 Subwoofer $1650 black ash, $1850 gloss black {1200W Amplifier, 14.24h, 13.5w, 16.51d, 53 lbs} Massively built 10”, DOUBLE SPIDER woofer in sealed cabinet config! My heading starts “Why you need…” That’s because… JL Audio’s E-110 subwoofer provides DEEPER, STRONGER & TIGHTER bass than you can get from any pair of towers. You simply cannot get…
If You Work For A Living…
June 10, 2020
Please consider doing business with Audio Emporium. We sell cost effective AV gear. We look at the investment/performance ratio with what we offer. We concentrate our interest and demos in products you can actually buy- instead of gear in never-never land. We can help you navigate the enormous landscape of audio gear and provide remarkable value for the dollar you spend. By…
May 30, 2020
Hegel H-590 Integrated Amp $11,000 (301×2) (6.75h, 17w, 17.6d, 50 lbs) Good gravy, is this integrated a STAR or what?! Rated at 301×2 into 8 ohms, double into 4, and double that into 2, H-590 has a frighteningly fine & powerful amplifier section. 300/600/1200! You also get a state of the art DAC and preamp in the same box. It has Ethernet…
Dave’s Faves – Marantz MM-7055
May 29, 2020
Marantz MM-7055 Power Amp $1500 5×140 Power Amp (7 3/16h, 17 3/8w, 15/18d, 36lbs) Marantz’s MM-7055 is a beautiful sounding 5 channel amplifier! Marantz looked at the topic of home theater and decided not to cut corners. 7055 is a full blown, class AB design with linear power supply and bipolar transistors. Think Black Velvet- a black background with smooth overtones. Most…
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