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Audiophile Archives

The Latest, Dave’s Faves, and the AE Newsletter all in one:


McIntosh MA-352 Integrated Amp Back In Stock! This 200×2 integrated comes with tubes in the preamp section and still features luscious Mac power meters. This is a full analog beast that will play as beautifully as anything you can buy. If you order one from anyone you’ll wait six months plus for it. We just got a couple in stock. Why wait?…

Bryston BR20 Preamp/DAC Now In Stock!

Bryston BR20 Preamp/DAC Now In Stock! $6800 My favorite preamp is Bryston’s BR20. It happens to have a state of the art DAC built in as well. There is no better preamp in our biz. I can say the same for the DAC. To get both built into one chassis for $6800 is a downright bargain. Due to supply chain problems Bryston…

Bryston A Series Upgrade

Bryston loudspeakers are built in Canada like a BRICK OUTHOUSE. They sound great and are so reliable they come with a 20 year warranty! Nothing else does- except Bryston analog electronics! And believe me, a five year warranty runs out a lot faster than you expect. Further, today companies look at service as a profit center, not a “thank you card” to…

Dave’s Faves – Hegel V10 Phono Preamp

Hegel V10 Phono Preamp, $1650 Hegel Music Systems’ new V10 is my favorite phono preamp. Please don’t look past V10 just because it’s so inexpensive. In today’s world phono preamps of $6k are middle of the road pricing! You’ll want V10 for its lack of noise. It won’t add noise to your record playing experience. Keeping the noise floor low allows you…


YG Acoustics Cairn Speakers, $8500 Per Pair (14.6h, 7.6w. 10.3d, 28 lbs, 8 ohms, 86dB) Stands $1500 Per Pair (23.5 h) YG Acoustics of Colorado is known for its price no object speakers. They’re great, but not attainable for most of us. When YG announced in 2020 that it would be bringing out its Peaks Series for less than half the price,…

Dave’s Faves – Ortofon MC Quintet Blue

Ortofon MC Quintet Blue, $569 First of all, Ortofon is a REAL MANUFACTURER, based in Denmark. Yup, Ortofon builds its own cartridges in its own house with Danish TENDER LOVING CARE. I have to tell ya, it’s a pleasure selling Orto carts because they always WORK, and work right. You would be surprised that many cartridge brands are inconsistent and unreliable. I’ve…

Dave’s Faves – JL Audio Fathom F112v2 Subwoofer

JL Audio Fathom F112v2 Subwoofer $5000 (18.5h, 15.0625w, 17.75d, 100 lbs, 12” W7 woofer, 1800w Linear Power Supply Amp) If we consider what it takes to get a system that pushes the BEST POSSIBLE, we have to build a subwoofer into the game plan. There is no tower made that can deliver bass anywhere close to a JL Fathom subwoofer. For openers,…

The Greatest Pianist: Franz Liszt

It’s fun to debate with your friends. Who is the greatest singer, guitar player or drummer EVER? For those of us who love the piano beyond all other instruments, there’s a pretty clear winner- a guy name Franz Liszt {1811-1886}. What did his peers say about him? Liszt was Beatle-mania on steroids. Having experienced the mighty Liszt, a musician at an echelon…


Magnepan MG 3.7i Back On Dem! $8K Per Pair Magnepan was hit as hard as any of our vendors by Covid 19. Starting in early 2020, any order placed for pans would run six months or more. Six months was just a starting point. Magnepan couldn’t predict accurately for us, so we couldn’t predict accurately for you. Availability was so limited on…

Dave’s Faves – Klipsch Cornwall 4, Speakers

Klipsch Cornwall 4 Speakers, $6600 per pair (38h, 25.3w, 15.5d, 98lbs, 102dB SPL) You can’t judge a book by its cover. Or can you? In the case of K’s new Cornwall speaker, you CAN. Cornwall looks big, bold and ready to rock. And in fact, that’s exactly what it does. Move over, get outta the way, they’re large and in charge. If…

RIP Joey DeFrancesco (1971-2022)

RIP Joey DeFrancesco (1971-2022) Most of us who followed Joey knew him as perhaps the best Hammond B3 player out there. Yet Joey was also a touted trumpet and sax player. That’s a lot of tools in one tool belt! Joey just died at 51, which sounds frightfully young to us mature audiophiles. We’re fortunate to have Tidal and other services to…

Cassette Decks

Let’s talk cassette decks! No, I don’t have any to SELL you. Let’s just ruminate on what was once a fabulous hobby- making cassettes. Cassettes started as a cheap dictation format. In the late 60s it became a viable, affordable MUSIC format. But… how to get high end response and beat the hiss? For me the cassette deck world began with Advent…

Magnepan MG 3.7i, Back In House!

Magnepan MG 3.7i,$8800 Per Pair, Back On Dem! Magnepan was hit as hard as any of our vendors by Covid 19. Starting in early 2020, any order placed for pans would run six months or more. Six months was just a starting point. Magnepan couldn’t predict accurately for us, so we couldn’t predict accurately for you. Availability was so limited on some…

Vintage Speaker Revival

There has been a big splash in speakers that look vintage in the past five years or so. As a die hard audio guy b. 1953, I love the look of some of these old friends. Actually, I like the look of almost all of these offerings. But which ones actually make sense to buy? Wharfedale Linton $1800 Per Pair With Stands…