
Wharfedale Diamond 11.4 Promo $1000 Per Pair, Black Regular Price $1200 Per Pair (39.4h, 8.84w, 12.8d, 54 lbs ea, 91 dB SPL) Wharfedale has just shipped its fanny kicking, affordable tower. With promo price of $1000 per pair, Diamond 11.4 offers more than just thunder. For openers, D 11.4 is a legit 3-way. There are sneaky guys out there who shove three drivers in a box, that are NOT full 3-ways. Some are 2, or 2.5 ways. Some drivers are passive and look like they’re active. There are no such shenanigans with Wharfedale. D 11.4 IS the real deal. D
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Hegel H-590 Integrated Amp $11,000 (301×2) (6.75h, 17w, 17.6d, 50 lbs) Good gravy, is this integrated a STAR or what?! Rated at 301×2 into 8 ohms, double into 4, and double that into 2, H-590 has a frighteningly fine & powerful amplifier section. 300/600/1200! You also get a state of the art DAC and preamp in the same box. It has Ethernet in for streaming options. H-590 started as a power amp project. Designer Bent Holter went innovative as he dove in and decided he could put these 3 components on one chassis- and save a bundle compared to doing
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Welcome Audiolab! Audiolab’s new 6000 Series features a dynamite Integrated Amp, CD Transport & Streamer. The sonic performance matches the brand’s elegant build quality. Available in black or silver, the fit and finish of Audiolab would make you think it’s twice as expensive as it is! Visit the tab near the bottom of our home page for greater detail. Here’s your appetizer. 6000A Integrated Amp $1000 50×2, 2.6h, 17.5w, 12d With a muscular 50×2 class AB amp on board, 6000A has a myriad of valuable features. Toroidal Transformer, Excellent 32bit Sabre DAC, MM, 4 high level inputs, pre out (!),
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CV It’s unfathomable that when I was writing the March newsletter about Bryston speakers and Rega turntables, CV was barely on our radar. As I’m writing this newsletter in late March, CV is dominating our lives. We will have a Coronavirus statement at the top of our LATEST page. Keep up to speed with us there. It will be updated as needed. We have aggressive sales on demo merchandise to keep commerce going. We have a large inventory. We probably have a great deal on what you want. Most of our manufacturers are shipping to some degree. But with skeleton
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Bryston A2 Loudspeakers $3810 Per Pair (39.5h, 9.25w, 17d, 62 lbs!) Just in is the latest version of the mighty Bryston A2 speakers. For openers, A2 is made in Canada. Here’s a warning though, the warranty is only 20 years. A2 has been a DYNAMITE speaker since its inception not quite a decade ago. Using DUAL sets of tweets/mids/woofs, A2 is a FORCE to be dealt with. Most speakers use a single mid and tweet. While that’s adequate for most speakers, A2 goes above and beyond. By using dual tweets & mids, each element has half the work load. Power
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Hegel H-120 Integrated Amp ($3000, 75×2) (4h, 17.25w, 11.75d, 28 lbs of DYNAMITE!) Hegel’s new integrated will flat out BLOW YOU AWAY for its price point! H-120 is soooo stinkin’ good that I don’t know exactly how to describe it. But try, I will. First of all, I want to make clear that I think the new H-120 achieves a new plateau for its price point. To my ears, H-120 is the least expensive integrated that sends you sailing into the BIG TIME of esoteric audio electronics performance. H-120 will make almost any speaker sound significantly more detailed and refined.
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