
New $800 Theater Amp From Emotiva: 125×5 Emotiva has just introduced its A5175 power amp. It provides a solid 125×5 with all five channels driven into 8 ohms. Emo is betting that this hits the sweet spot for most buyers. It is a notch above A500 ($500, 80×5), and notch below XPA5G3 ($1600, 250×5). Hence Emo now has three versions of terrific five channel amplifiers! It has commensurate 7ch amps too. Back In Stock- Emotiva MC-700 Pre-Pro $600 No sooner than Emo brought out its MC-700- it went on back order. We only had a handful and then… were out
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Emotiva Airmotiv Speakers! Emotiva has introduced a line of extremely affordable loudspeakers, using ribbon tweeters no less! These models do not have amplifiers on board, so don’t confuse them with the POWERED guys Emo has on its site for studio use. These models are designed for home use, surround or stereo. These speakers have very extended high frequency response as a result of using the ribbons. You’ll find they sound quite clear, even with modest electronics- which includes light weight surround receivers. T-1 Towers, $700 Per Pair 1” Ribbon Tweet, 5 ¼ Woven Fiber Mid, Two 6” Woven Fiber woofs
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GoldenEar Towers, Sans Built in Subs GoldenEar has made its name with wonderful sounding towers that have built in, powered subwoofers. They start at $2500 per pair and go up. They’re terrific speakers at good prices. A lot of visitors are surprised that GoldenEar also makes two towers that do NOT have powered subs on board. They make sense for the customer that wants GE sophistication- without the powerful bottom end. Maybe you’re in a condo. Maybe you have a nice outboard sub already. These two towers have the same attributes as their bigger brothers- with less shock and awe
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Marantz Reference Series PM-10 Integrated Amp $8000 (200×2) Brand new is Marantz’s stunning, big boy integrated amp. I’ve always been a fan of Marantz’s Ref Series, made in its top factory in Japan. PM-10 just arrived and has pounded the high striker weight all the way to the top! Packed with TNT, PM-10 can wake up the hungriest of our loudspeakers and deliver bass in spades. PM-10 pushes REAL SPEAKERS like GoldenEars, Maggies and Brystons as well as more expensive separates. Up to now, Marantz Ref amps have been about half this power. It’s a pleasure to finally hear the
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MQA MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) is now real! As of 2-1-17, Tidal has been delivering a nice array of music in the MQA mode. You stream it for $20 per month. All you need to decode MQA is a Bluesound Node 2, $500. That’s right. For $500 you can decode MQA from Tidal NOW. There will undoubtedly be more competitive services soon. You shouldn’t stick your head in the sand and sit this dance out. Dive in now, get the Node 2 and hear the best sound your system can make. NOW. Normally, when something industry shaking hits the market,
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Welcome Bluesound! Bluesound makes a group of reasonably priced products to move music around your house. Bluesound is unique compared to its competitors in that it plays Hi-Res files and decodes MQA as well! You can connect Node 2 to your preamp, integrated amp or receiver- and all the music of your computer is now there, with no loss. Bluesound makes a Power Node 2 with gutsy on board amp as well. Bluesound also offers an array of “boom boxes” to play the music as well. Again, Bluesound supports Hi-Res! And even further, Bluesound supports MQA! Bluesound gives us the
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