Audio Emporium Welcomes Elac America Speakers!
Elac America is a new branch of a company that has been in business since 1926.
Elac, a German company, has been in different businesses over the years but first was seen on the hi-fi radar making turntables for consumer use, Elac Benjamin Miracord. Elac has made high end speakers and electronics in Europe.
It’s exciting that Elac has a new branch of its company now, Elac America. Elac did it right by hiring internationally acclaimed speaker designer, Andrew Jones, to design its new Debut Series of speakers! Jones had been with TAD for 17 years and designed numerous cost-no-object speakers for them. How about a shelf speaker for $38k per pair? Or a tower for $80k per pair that weighs 330lbs? While these types of speakers are interesting, they’re not going to do much biz in Milwaukee.
Having Andrew Jones on board puts you on the map TODAY. When I heard about what he was working on for Elac America, I wanted IN!
Andrew has created a line of affordable speakers that… is literally CLASS SHATTERING as The Absolute Sound has written. We are talking shockingly low money here. He has enormous pride in the new line he’s created. The raves right out of the batter’s box are unrestrained.
I’ll cut to the chase and tell you these are among the smoothest speakers you’ll hear. Most modestly priced speakers zing up top to garner your attention in an A-B comparison. Not Elacs! Further, the bass is robust. Andrew insisted on ample bass and was willing to give up a couple of dB in SPL to do it. It was well worth the trade off because getting a solid amp won’t break the bank these days. In short, these speakers are unlike any other budget speakers I’ve ever heard!
Reviewer Comments
TAS on B5: “Class shattering performance and sonics.” “Stupendous Value.”
“A warm, relaxed and responsive midrange, surprising bass extension and tunefulness, a lack of cabinet and port colorations, and a strong sense of musical truth.”
Steve Guttenberg on B6: “It’s our new go-to budget speaker, hands down!”
TAS on F5: “The main reason many audiophiles might opt for F5 over the B5 is midrange and low frequency dynamics. Take the Bach cello suite for example. Correctly reproducing the initial transients off the bow and the thick, deep, trailing resonances of this instrument has foiled all levels of loudspeakers, but the F5 does a much more than credible job at capturing the full-throated voice of this instrument. And, as I listened to the Manhattan Jazz Quintet’s version of “Autumn Leaves” it was as if someone had opened the dynamic floodgates.”
TAS on the F5/B5: “The F5/B5 go beyond just being the rare, good speaker for the money. They’re a veritable gift to budget conscious audiophiles and the younger audience, particularly those looking for a cost effective, room filling alternative to headphones. And keep in mind that the Elac/Jones collaboration is just getting ramped up!”
Debut Series Speakers
B5 $230 per pair
5.25” Mid-woof, 1” Cloth dome tweet
B6 $280 per pair
6.5” Mid-woof, 1” Cloth dome tweet
F-5 $560 per pair
Two 5.25” Woofers, One 5.25” Mid-woof, 1” Cloth dome tweet
C-5 Center $180 each
Two 5.25” Mid-woofs, 1” Cloth dome tweet
A-4 Atmos speakers $230 per pair
Concentric 4” Mid-woof with tweet
S-10 Subwoofer $250
10” Active woof with 200w amp
S-10EQ Subwoofer $500
10” Active woof with 400w amp
Employs patented technologies!
S-12EQ Subwoofer $700
12” Active woof with 1000w amp
Employs patented technologies!
Pitchers & Catchers Report!
On Feb 19 spring training begins. There’s a musical tie here. Baseball’s last 30 game winning pitcher is????