McIntosh MA-8950 Integrated Amp (200×2)

(7 5/8h, 17 1/2w, 18 3/4d, 75 lbs)

The heart of McIntosh is, and always has been, MUSCLE. MA-8950 is Mac’s first full testosterone integrated WITH autoformers on board. Subsequently you get the WEIGHT of Mac bass along with the smoothness of the autoformers. And of course you get Mac style which is festooned with gorgeous power meters.

There’s nothing wrong with having a little sex appeal with great performance. Consider making your hi-fi FUN again!

Mac won’t let us post pricing. It doesn’t make sense to me but it’s their rule. Rest assured, MA-8950 will put you on cloud nine.

With MA-8950, Mac has reached a new level of lust worthy attributes. Along with iconic Mac power, MA-8950 is a Preamp/DAC/Phono and Five Band EQ- all to die for. The EQ is quiet and useful with hinge points of 30, 125, 500, 2k and 10kHz. If you don’t think you’re an EQ guy, you might think again with MA-8950.

The musical signature of Mac is HEAVYWEIGHT. It exudes power and is smooth as silk. There isn’t a hint of glare or bite in its DNA. There isn’t a speaker on the market that won’t benefit from the propulsion and flavor of this true battleship.

MA-8950 is a solid state integrated with no hum or hiss. The superlative phono section supports

MM & MC. The DAC features 2 OPT & 2 Coax. It has HDMI for ARC return. It features a pre-out, main-in LOOP, and an additional variable pre out for a sub or another amp. It also has a fixed pre out. It has Mac’s classic MCT input to shake hands with a Mac disc player.

MA-8950 is a great match for highly resolving speakers like Magnepans, Brystons and Atohms. 8950 has no bite of its own which makes it ideal for speakers that don’t hide definition.

With beaucoup power on MA-8950, the sound is always dynamic yet relaxed. What an intoxicating combination. You feel like you have plenty of acceleration capability with no harshness in the road. And yup, it’s great fun watching your Mac in action!